Eucharistic Crusade
A Lent for Children

Dedicated to the Angels for Children

Here are some suggestions of prayers, things to give up, and good deeds you can do for Jesus during Lent. Choose one in each list or one of your own and write it down below.


Prayers to Say

Things to Give Up

Good Deeds to Do

Rosary             Ejaculations               
Extra Masses (if possible) Stations of the Cross Novenas                 Litanies                  
Spiritual Communions          Prayer before a Crucifix
Spiritual reading

Soft drinks
Snacks between meals

Make your bed
Do the dishes
Set the table
Fold the wash
Clean your room
Help Dad with his work
Help a neighbour
Study harder
Be kind to brothers & sisters

During Lent, I will say:…………………………………….……………..

During Lent, I will give up:………………………………………….…....

During Lent, I will do:……………………………………………....……


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