Eucharistic Crusade

A Little Candle to Mary

Dear Crusaders,

Two old people, husband and wife, were very poor. They often went to bed without any supper, and their break¬fast very often consisted of a few hard crusts soaked in water. They were ashamed to make their poverty known and to ask for help. At one time, they were rich, but they had lost every¬thing. One day they found themselves left without any money or food. Both of them were quite sick. The day was passed in suffering, and when the night came they had eaten nothing. They wept and they prayed. The following day was even worse: for two days they had eaten nothing. “We must die, my poor wife,” said the old man; “God has for¬saken us.” The poor old woman did not answer. But a little time after she raised her head, and cried, as though struck with a sudden inspira¬tion: “Let us invoke the Blessed Virgin! She is the comforter of the afflicted and the refuge of those who suffer. She will deliver us. Wait,” she added, “I have one little candle left. We will light it before her image; Mary will come to our aid.” The woman lit the candle, and placed it before a statue of the Blessed Virgin, praying for help to her who is never invoked in vain. They wept bitterly. . . A woman who was living across the street had a sick child. She got up in the middle of the night to give him something to drink: looking out of the window, she saw some light in the window of her neighbours. She knew them a little. “Can those poor people be ill then?” she wondered. Right away, she went in to see them. As she opened the door, she saw the two poor old people, kneeling before the image of the Mary. The charitable neighbour comforted them, and rushed home immediately to fetch them broth and bread. The following day, both the priest and a good man from the parish came to visit these unfortunate people, and gave them more help. A few days after, the couple received money from some distant relative. They were so happy, and told everybody about the miraculous help which they received from the Blessed Virgin Mary. For sure, without the little candle, or rather without that confidence in Mary, the kind neighbour would not have come to their aid, and they would have died of starvation…

In this month of May, let us renew our full confidence in our Blessed Mother. If we keep singing her praises, she will watch over us and we will never be wanting.

Father Dominique Boulet


  • On April 23 rd , I said the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
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