Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People

The Little Girl and the Rosary

   This beautiful miracle of the Rosary happened in the 1980's or 1990's.  One day, a 5 year old girl name Lisa, took some Rosaries to her kindergarten class.  She showed the other children in her class how to say the Rosary.  Some time later, her mother was called to the principal's office, and he asked her, "Why did you tell your daughter, to teach the other children in her class, to say the Rosary?"  The mother replied, "I didn't know my daughter was teaching, other children in her class, to say the Rosary!"

What had happened was this: Lisa had been teaching Banu, a little Hindu boy, how to say the Rosary.  Banu was having trouble learning English.  He said, "I prayed to "the Jesus Man", and "the Jesus Man" answered my prayers, but the gods of my father's religion did not!"  At a later time Banu told Lisa's mother, "Now, since I prayed the Rosary and asked "the Jesus Man", I can understand everything, and I'm getting A's in school.  And my kitty had disappeared for three months, and I asked for my kitty back, and there she was!"

Shortly after this, Lisa's mother began home schooling and did not see Banu any more.  A few years later, Lisa's mother had an appointment at a new doctor's office.  The doctor had the same last name as Banu, so she asked the doctor if he had a son named Banu.  He replied "Yes."  Then Lisa's mother told him that Banu had gone to school with her daughter Lisa.

At first the doctor was very angry, but then he went on to tell Lisa's mother about the cat, his son had prayed for.  The doctor had seen the cat hit by a car and killed, and after Banu had prayed the Rosary for the return of the cat, the cat suddenly reappeared after having been dead for three months

{This kind of miracle also happened in the life of St. Francis Paola: a priest had cooked his pet fish and St. Francis put the cooked fish in the water, said a prayer, and voila, the fish came alive!  Another time some workmen had eaten his pet sheep.  He took the bones and wool of his pet sheep and prayed; suddenly the sheep came alive again!}    

Lisa's mother met the doctor a few times after this and he asked her what he should do.  She told him, "You have to become Catholic!"

A few years later Lisa's mother saw the doctor again and he had become Catholic!  "But", he said, "I'm still having some trouble!"  So she told him, "Now you have to become a Traditional Catholic and go to the Tridentine Mass."

The doctor became a Traditional Catholic, and so did his immediate family, and he was making a trip to India to convert the rest of his family!

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