Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People


Dabschelim, an East Indian Prince, had such a big library that a hundred servants could not take care of it, and a thousand camels were necessary to move it from one place to another.  Realizing that during his life he would be unable to read all the books in his library, he ordered his servants to take all the best information and put it into as few books as possible.

It took the servants twenty years to do this.  They made a summary of all the sciences and were able to put them into several thousand volumes, and they only needed thirty camels to carry them around.  But the Prince was still not happy with this.  He told his servants that there were still too many books and that he could not read a thousand volumes.

Again the servants started to work and finally after many years, they were able to put all the best knowledge into fifty volumes.  And these books, a single donkey could carry.

In the meantime, however, Prince Dabschelim had grown old and could only read with difficulty.  Soon he realized that he would be able to read only the smallest part of the fifty volumes.  And yet he had a burning desire to know the summary of all the sciences.  This he told to Pilzai, his wise counsellor, whom he trusted, and to whom he often went for advice.

Pilzai had been for some time a Catholic, so he said, "Your Majesty, I have a little book which contains the summary of all the sciences: I will go and fetch it for you."

Shortly afterwards, he put the Catholic catechism into the hands of the surprised Prince.  The Prince started reading it at once, and as he read it, he marvelled more and more.  When he had finished the catechism, he took a large palm leaf, and with a gold pencil, he wrote the following words on it:  "THIS IS THE SUMMARY OF ALL WISDOM: WORSHIP GOD BY FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY!  MAKE USE OF THE GRACES BESTOWED BY GOD UPON YOU!  PRACTISE VIRTUE!  AVOID EVIL!  DOING THIS YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO BE AFRAID OF DEATH, NEITHER OF WHAT FOLLOWS AFTER DEATH.  YOUR REWARD WILL BE ETERNAL, UNSPEAKABLE GLORY."

Prince Dabschelim fastened this leaf to the back of his throne so that all who came to speak to him would be able to read it.  He himself was baptized soon after, and died in the peace of the Lord.

Everyone likes to learn about different things, but the most important thing that you should remember to learn, is your Catechism.  It is the most important book to learn, in your whole life.  If you know your Catechism well, you will be able to practise your Catholic Faith well.  You will also be able to help others to practise their Catholic Faith as well; and by helping others know their Faith, you will help Jesus to save many souls for Heaven.

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