Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People


King Alphonsus of Leon and Galicia wanted all his servants to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary, by saying the Rosary. So he used to hang a large Rosary on his belt and always wore it, but he never said the Rosary himself! However, the good example he gave by wearing his Rosary in public, encouraged his servants to say the Rosary very well.

One day the King became very sick. He went unconscious, and everybody thought he was dead! When he was unconscious, he had a vision, and found himself before the judgement seat of God. Many devils were there, telling all the sins he had committed, and Our Lord as the Judge, was just about to tell King Alphonsus that he was going to Hell!

Suddenly Our Lady appeared on the scene and asked for a pair of scales. She placed the King's sins on one of the scales and on the other scale she put the Rosary, which he had always worn, and the Rosaries that had been said, because of his good example. The Rosaries weighed more than his sins!

Looking at King Alphonsus with great kindness, Our Lady said, "As a reward for this little honour that you paid me in wearing my Rosary, I have obtained a great grace for you, from my Son, Jesus. Though you were supposed to go to Hell, you will be able to live for a few more years. See that you spend these years wisely, and do penance!"

When the King came to, he cried out, "Blessed be the Rosary of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. By her Rosary, she has saved me from the terrible fires of Hell!"

After the King recovered his health, he spent the rest of his life spreading devotion to the Rosary, and said it faithfully every day.

So you see; it's very important to say your Rosary well every day. But remember, you have to think about the beautiful mysteries of the lives of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, while you are saying the Rosary.

But, you might say; it isn't always easy to say the Rosary, especially when you don't feel like saying it. Well, that is when you get the most graces from Jesus and Mary – when you have to make a special effort. And that is also when you can save the most souls! Remember – St. Dominic Savio said, "If you save somebody's soul, you also save your own soul!

Saving souls is very important. Sure, you must save your own soul first, but at the same time you must think about saving others too! And not just your family and friends; think of all the pagans in China and India – they need to be saved too! Remember the Rosary prayer to Jesus, "… lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are most in need of Thy Mercy."

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