Eucharistic Crusade

One Million Rosaries!

Dear Crusaders,

You probably heard that the Society of St. Pius X has the big project to collect One Million Rosaries, to be offered as a spiritual bouquet to Pope Benedict XVI at the end of October.  These Rosaries will be offered for the following intentions:  #1: to give to Pope Benedict XVI the strength and courage to grant full freedom to the good Traditional Latin Mass; #2: for the return of the Kingship of Christ; #3: for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Because of the great value of that spiritual bouquet, I am strongly encouraging all the Eucharistic Crusaders to start right away to offer all their Rosaries for that intention.  Do not forget to give to your parents the total of the Rosaries offered as spiritual bouquets for the Pope, and ask them to give that numbers to the priests.

Some other news: In a few days, I will be moving from Vernon to Shawinigan, Quebec, where I will continue to take care of your preferred magazine.  This means that the Eucharistic Crusade Secretariat will also be moving to Shawinigan.  I am hoping to keep on schedule for the publication of the October magazine.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On July 16 and 23 , I said the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Here is the new address for the Eucharistic Crusade in Canada:
St. Pius X Priory,
905 Rang. St. Matthieu
Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 6T5
Fax: (819) 537-6562

The e-mail address will remain the same as before:
E-mail address:


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