Eucharistic Crusade


Light for the Pagans

Dear crusaders,

On February 2, we remember the day when the Infant Jesus was brought to the temple of Jerusalem, to be offered to God, by Mary & Joseph.

When the old man Simeon saw them, his heart was full of joy: “Now I can go.  May the Lord take me away; for I saw with my eyes the Salvation: light to be brought up to the Gentiles, and glory of Thy people Israel?”

The people without God are in the darkness.  Sadly, many will remain and die in the darkness, without the chance to see the light.  Jesus came to give them the light, but they could not see it.

How lucky are you to have good parents and good priests that remind you to study your catechism and to pray!   They know that it is their duty to teach you the true Faith that will make you to know, love and serve Jesus, the true light of the world.  Faith is the light that makes us to see God in the Infant Jesus.  How thankful you should be, because you can see Jesus, the Light to be revealed to the Gentiles.

Now, can you do something to help to bring forth the Light to be revealed to the Gentile, and to convert souls who do not have the Faith?   You may think: I am too young and this is not my job!  But I am telling you: Yes, you could!  St. Theresa of the Child Jesus is called the patroness of missionaries, while she never went out of her convent. Here is what she did: When she was sick in pain, she would say: “I am offering my pains for a missionary priest who is struggling alone.” 

Like St. Theresa, you can be missionaries, and helpers to bring the light for God to the pagans: do not forget to use the powerful weapons that are at your disposal: your prayers, your communions and your sacrifices, but remember to make good use of them.

Father Dominique Boulet


  • January 6, Feast of the Epiphanyth ,
    I said the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
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Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 6T5
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