Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Manual of the
Eucharistic Crusade of the Apostleship of Prayer

Published in 1962 by the Central Office of the Eucharistic Crusade, Rome

 Crusader Pin

Educating the Youth to Live the Mass

(slightly edited by Fr. Boulet)



E. How are adolescents to be brought to this idea of the Mass?   (following)

3. To bring about the deep penetration of the soul by those truths mentioned in 2°., it is necessary that the Mass become the central point of the catechetical instruction. So, for example, through the Incarnation Christ was able to suffer and at the same time become our food. Likewise the different virtues help towards the correct sharing in the Mass and the proper reception of Holy Communion.

4°. Then it should be arranged that they take part in the Mass with all due reverence. Never should they be allowed to be bored or irked by assistance at Mass. This would be very harmful to their Eucharistic education. Likewise it is not sufficient that they be present at Mass in some devout way or other. This would not be enough to lead to a proper esteem and understanding of the Mass. There are various ways in which the children can be united more intimately to the action of the priest, e.g. by singing in choir, serving Mass or even silent prayer. Though variety is good and must be made use of, too much change is bad.

5°. An excellent help to produce proper variety in prayer is the liturgical year. Therefore if the adolescents are led to live the Mass, at the same time and in the same way they ought to also to be taught how to live the liturgical year. This means to live their lives according to the mysteries of the economy of our salvation, the center of which is the Sacrifice of Christ. The liturgical year was always one of the chief means used by the Church to teach the faithful religion and prayer. Our young people should benefit greatly from it in their own formation in prayer.

6°. To deepen their grasp on the mystery of the Holy Eucharist, it helps if they have a fuller knowledge of the sacraments, sacramentals and paraliturgical exercises of piety, all of which should enter into liturgical education.               

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