Eucharistic Crusade


Waiting for the saviour!

Dear Crusaders,

On Good Friday, when Our Lord went down to limbo, many souls were waiting for Him.  From Adam and Eve, through Abraham, Moses and King David, with all the other patriarchs and prophets, they were all waiting for the Redeemer to come.  They had nothing else to do, but just wait for someone who could get them out of limbo, and take them to heaven.

Could you imagine: some, like Adam or Abel, had to wait for a very long time!  Not only they were patient, but it was on account of their faith in the Saviour to come, that they managed to escape hell.  They did not have to suffer physically, and they knew that it was only a matter of time, but such time appeared to be quite long!

Had you been in their situation, what would you have done?  Could they entertain themselves with games?  Not at all! For even the most exciting entertainment was of no meaning to them.

But, for sure they were talking about the Saviour.  For example, David could quote from his Psalms and Isaias from his prophecy, to tell the others: “Yes, He is coming, and we spoke about Him!” 

You could imagine the passionate discussions they had about the Messiah to come.  They were so eager to see Him, to love Him and to serve Him.

Like the patriarchs and the prophets of the Old Testament, let us take advantage of this holy season of Advent to think about the Saviour, and to prepare our hearts to his coming at Christmas.  Let us imitate their zeal to get our souls ready for Christmas, by making a good confession, and applying ourselves to our duty of state.

On December 8, on the occasion of the feast of the Immaculate Conception, let us also express our love to our spiritual mother. Along with the patriarchs and the prophets, she will show us the road that leads to Bethlehem.

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On Sunday November 1st, I said Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
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905 Rang. St. Matthieu
Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 6T5
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