Eucharistic Crusade



Dear Crusaders,

On February 6, there will be Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. It is my hope that your dear parents will be able to take you to church on that day, to attend mass and to receive the blessed ashes. When the priest will put ashes on your forehead, he will say “remember that you came from dust and that you shall return into dust”. Would anyone be proud of being like dust? Not really! God made us from dust, but it is on account of our sins that we will have to return into dust. So, pay attention to this beautiful ceremony whereby the Church reminds us that Lent is a special time to do penance for our sins.

Now, what a Crusader could do to put into practice the penance of Lent? The commandments of the Church tell us that adults are bound to fast on the days appointed. Does it mean that Lent is only for adults? No, children also can do penance during Lent. Crusaders are encouraged to follow the example of adults, who are fasting during Lent. A Crusader should always remember that he has to bear his cross. This is, indeed, the meaning of the word crusader: the one who puts on a cross. That is why; I advice you to make extra sacrifices during Lent, and especially to abstain from sweet things and candies.

One day, St. Jerome had to give an advice to a young person who was asking him what to do for penance: “Sure, you should fast, but I am not telling you to do something that would make you sick. Rather, when you fast, take something that will sustain your body in such a way that you will not be prevented from praying and doing your other duties.”

If we cut on a few things during Lent, we should replace by something, mostly by acts of charity. Let me give you some examples from crusaders: “my mother was tired, and I went to help her without being told”; “I was tempted to pinch my sister, but rather I was kind and said a prayer for her”. “I offered 3 of my communions, so that my father will do his Easter duties.”

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On Sunday January 13th, I said Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
St. Pius X Priory,
905 Rang. St. Matthieu
Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 6T5
Fax: (819) 537-6562
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