Eucharistic Crusade


Follow the star

Dear Crusaders,

Once again, the Good Lord blessed us with a beautiful Christmas.  I hope that you had a really good time in your family with your parents, grand-parents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters.

After Christmas, there is the beautiful feast of the Epiphany.  There were three kings living afar off.  These kings were good men, but they never heard about the coming of Jesus, because nobody told them about. One day, they saw a new star in the sky.  That star had something special, and it was not like ordinary stars that we see at night on a cold winter day.  The kings tried to inquire what it was but nobody could help them.  So, they decided to go and find out themselves what the star was about.  One of them took gold, the other one incense, and the third one myrrh.  They spoke to each other: “Let us follow the star, and we will find out what it is about”.

The trip was long and difficult, but they kept on going.  They arrived in Jerusalem at the house of King Herodes.  They thought: “For sure, Herodes will be able to help us to find out what that star is about.”  Again, after leaving the house of Herodes, the star was moving ahead and it stopped over the place where the Holy Family was staying.  When they saw Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the Three Kings were overjoyed.  They offered gold, incense and myrrh to the child Jesus: such is the beautiful event we will celebrate at the Epiphany.

You too, dear children, you have to follow the star: it is not a special one that you will find in the sky, but it is one that was given to each one of you on the day of your baptism: the light of the Catholic faith.  Every single day of your life, this light will be shining, to lead you on the road that will bring you closer to Jesus.  Do not close your eyes to the light, but keep watching the star.  Remember also that when you go to visit Jesus, can you bring Him something cheap to Him?  No, you ought to give Him the best!

Your treasure sheet will be the gift that you will offer to Jesus this month: fill it up with the incense of your prayers, the gold of your communions and the myrrh of your sacrifices! With my best wishes for a happy and holy New Year!      

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On Sunday December 9th, I said Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
St. Pius X Priory,
905 Rang. St. Matthieu
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