Eucharistic Crusade


A letter from your guardian angel

Dear Child,

            I am writing you a short letter because I am returning from heaven, and I saw that Jesus was presently quite sad. I did not have time to ask Him what had happened, because I had to return quickly back to you. Yet the other angels told me the whole story.

            They explained that from the be­ginning of summer, Jesus had lost a few of His little Crusaders and shed many a tears for it. This sad news has been a blow to me too, and I started making a seri­0us examination of conscience. And now, I am worried. Well, of course, you are still a good Cru­sader but, perhaps... a little less fervent than before. You are not thinking of Jesus as often as you used to. Haven't you started on the down slope, still quite high, but on your way down?

            And therefore, while you were sleeping, I entrusted you to an­other angel (you know that we can never let you off alone) and I went to see Holy Mary. It took me a while before I got to see her because here, every­body is busy asking her advice, and the Seraphim are preparing the great feast of Christmas and Epiphany in her honour and the Baby Jesus too.

            Oh! The good Mother! It did not need much time to explain everything to her: she has had other similar cases. She simply answered, with her divine smile: “Let this child of yours keep praying and the prayer will keep him, especially the rosary.”

            And now, I am coming back to let you know: do not forget your rosary. The Blessed Mother loves you very much, I saw that indeed, and she does not want you to abandon your prayer life. I shall remind you of it.

Your Guardian Angel who does not forget you.

(Taken from The Australian EC magazine)

  • On June 6th, I said Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
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