Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People

Good St. Anthony

     How many of you know about St. Anthony? I mean the Franciscan saint who is dressed in a brown habit, and who is often seen in pictures holding the Child Jesus in his arms. Do you pray to good St. Anthony often? Do you pray to him only when you lose something? Do you thank St. Anthony when he helps you?

     St. Anthony is the glory of the Franciscan Order and the favourite saint of millions of people. He is called a wonder-worker because of the many gifts he had during his life and the many miracles he worked during his life and after his death.

     Very often when you walk into a church, besides seeing a statue of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you will almost always see a statue of St. Anthony.

     St. Bonaventure was also a Franciscan. He is a Doctor of the Church and he was living after St. Anthony had died. St. Bonaventure says that a person can get all miraculous graces from good St. Anthony. He says that people usually ask St. Anthony for these special favours:

1)     To find lost or stolen things and return them to their owner.

2)     For good health when they have been sick

3)     For the grace to know the will of God in choosing a job or becoming a religious.

4)     For the success of all the things we do in life, whether it is for the honour of God, for our souls, or even for some physical blessing.

     When we pray for some physical blessing, we should always pray that these blessings be pleasing to God and good for our salvation. Let us always remember to pray with a lively faith, a firm hope, a pure heart, and perseveringly. Then we may expect all the graces and blessings from St. Anthony, who during his life thought only about comforting the poor, and the sorrowful, and helping those in need.

     Remember to say thank-you to St. Anthony after he helps you out. For example if it is some small favour he has granted to you, say three Hail Mary’s in thanksgiving to him. If it is a larger favour, you could give some money or something to the poor, or at least light a candle for poor people or the poor souls in purgatory.

     Good St. Anthony — Pray for Us

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