Eucharistic Crusade


Flowers for Mary

Dear Crusaders,

“This is the month of Mary; this is the most beautiful month. To the Blessed Virgin, let us sing a new hymn!”

Whenever I think about the month of May, this beautiful French song pops up in my mind. For sure, this song applies perfectly to the change of weather that happens in many regions of Canada during the month of May: after a brief spring time, the beautiful nature of God starts blooming by the end of May.  As spring doesn’t last long, you will do what many children love to do: go out to the field, to pick up wild flowers.  With these flowers, you will make bouquets that you will offer to your mother. More than words, it will be a wonderful way to tell her that you love her.

Yes, indeed, the month of Mary is the most beautiful one! But, there is a very special flower that will bloom on May 31.  You will not find it in the fields, but rather, in the church.  That flower, it is Our Blessed Mother that we will honour on that day with the title of Our Queen, the Queenship of Mary!

Now, it is time to think about what you are going to offer Mary, Our Queen and spiritual Mother.  The good news is that you don’t have to wait till May 31st to start gathering flowers for Mary.  You can start right now, even if there are no flowers outside, like it is the case for us in Shawinigan!   As a matter of fact, as I am writing to you, there is still a lot of snow around the priory!

You may bring flowers to the altar of Our Lady, but the most important flowers I want you to offer to Mary are spiritual flowers: and it is in your monthly treasure sheet that I am expecting to find them.  Now, you understand: the spiritual flowers I am asking you to offer are all the prayers, sacrifices, Masses, Communions, rosaries, etc… that you will offer in honour of Mary during the month of May.  Make sure that they are beautiful!

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On Sunday April 13 th, I said Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
St. Pius X Priory,
905 Rang. St. Matthieu
Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 6T5
Fax: (819) 537-6562
Note: Following Canada Post requirements, we ask you to use 905 Rang St. Mathieu E. as mailing address

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