Eucharistic Crusade


Mary and the souls in Purgatory

Dear Crusaders,

This is a true story I found in the life of one of our Canadian Saints, Blessed Catherine of St. Augustine.  I hope that it will encourage you to pray more fervently for the souls of the departed.  Bl. Catherine lived in Quebec City, where she founded the Hotel-Dieu, a hospital for the poor and the Indians.  Blessed Catherine of St. Augustine is well known because she offered herself as a victim soul for the Church and for New France (Canada).

 Not too far from her convent, was living a woman whose name was Mary.  Mary had been living in sin throughout her life.  She was such a bad example that the people from Quebec City told her to get lost.  As Mary was living in a cave, she got sick and died without the sacraments of the Church.  Sister Catherine used to pray for all the departed souls, but she thought it was useless to pray for Mary’s soul, for she was convinced that she was in hell.

Four years later, as Sister Catherine was praying, a soul from purgatory appeared to her.  That was the soul of Mary, and it was in rough shape.  The soul said to Sr. Catherine: “Sister Catherine, I am in a bad situation!  You pray for all the departed souls, but you forgot to pray for me!”  “And who are you?”  “I am the soul of that poor Mary who died alone in the cave.”  “How’s that?  You tell me that you are among the elect?”  “Yes, through the infinite mercy of God and of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the very last moments of my life, as I was dwelling on the bad condition of my soul spoiled by so many sins, I turned myself to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I told Her from the bottom of my heart: “O you, refuge of sinners, have mercy on me!  Everybody abandoned me!  You are my only hope!  Come to my rescue!”  Such prayer was not in vain.  Because of Her intercession, I obtained the grace of a true contrition for all the sins of my life, and thus I escaped the fires of hell.”

Following that apparition, Sister Catherine has masses said for the repose of Mary’s soul, and shortly after Mary’s soul appeared again to Sister Catherine.  She was all shining like the sun.  Then Mary told Sister Catherine: “At last, heaven was opened for me.  There I will praise for ever the mercy of God.  But be sure, I will remember what you did for me.”

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On Sunday October 19, I said Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
St. Pius X Priory,
905 Rang. St. Matthieu
Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 6T5
Fax: (819) 537-6562

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