Eucharistic Crusade


Morning Offering

Dear Crusaders,

Here is the month of September. All of you know what it means: the summer is over, and it is time to get back to school!  It also means that most of you should be back onto routine, the day being divided between school, studies, chores and play. What will be the place of the Eucharistic Crusade in all these activities?  Let me give you some simple advice that should help you to keep everything in right order in your daily life.

At this time you may wonder what the most important duty of a Crusader is.  Now, I have the answer for you: the Morning Offering is, by far, the most important duty of a member of the Eucharistic Crusade.  Why? Because, your whole day will depend on your morning offering!  If it is done well, with good attention and with great love of God, your day will go well.  If not, expect problems to happen.

Let me prove this by an example taken from the life of the saints.  St. John Climacus used to say that, first thing in the morning; he could tell exactly how his day was going to be, good or bad.  What was his secret?  He said that it all depended on how well he said his morning prayer.  If it was said well, with great love of God, his whole day would work out quite well.  But, if he had a poor morning prayer, nothing would work out.  Yes, indeed, the Morning Prayer provides the blessings of God upon the whole day!

 Dear Crusaders, I would say the same thing for your Morning Offering.  If you say it well, it will bring forth the blessings of God upon your whole day.  By doing so, whatever you do during that day will be changed into a big prayer that will be pleasing to Jesus-Christ, the King of Kings.

As a resolution for September, never miss to your morning offering!    

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On Sunday Sundays July 6 and August 3, I said Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
St. Pius X Priory,
905 Rang. St. Matthieu
Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 6T5
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