Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People

The Leper

At one time, in Burma, India, there were many lepers. With the aid of some charitable people, a missionary built a hospital in which to care for them. One day he heard about a very poor man who was suffering from leprosy and he went in search of the man. When the priest arrived at the leper’s address, he found a beautiful mansion. There were many lovely flower gardens about the place and from the mansion came charming music and songs.

At first, the missionary thought he had come to the wrong place. He did not think it was possible for people in a house to be so happy if one of them was a leper. While the priest stood there wondering what to do, he noticed a figure moaning painfully on a heap of straw in the corner of the garden. He walked over to it and found a poor man lying on the straw, almost naked, and covered with leprosy. The poor leper was starving and asked for a handful of rice and a little water. He had had nothing to eat for almost two days.

Who was this man that was lying in the garden, forgotten by all? Was he a stranger who was allowed to stay there, or was he a servant who had caught leprosy and was made useless by the terrible sickness? No, he was the father of those in the mansion who were feasting and having a party. Not one of his children gave him even the tiniest bit of attention! Not one of his children gave him any food or water! And not one of his children even came to visit him!

The priest took pity on the poor leper and carried him to the hospital. How gratefully the poor man looked up when gentle hands washed his sores and he was placed in a clean bed.

The leper then questioned the priest: “What kind of man are you that you make time to take care of me when my own children have forgotten about me?”

To this the priest answered softly: “I do only what my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, taught me. And I hope by so doing to reach heaven and be in His company forever.”

The leper was amazed at these words, and begged to be taught about Our Lord Jesus Christ, so that he too might reach heaven and be in His company.

You must always be kind to those who are sick and give them help. Visit them in hospitals, bring them fruit or flowers, stay and talk to them and make them feel happy. This will please Our Lord.

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