Eucharistic Crusade

Renewal of the Consecration of the Children's Eucharistic
Crusade to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This consecration is to be renewed on May 13th ,
the anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima.

In these terrible times in the life of our Holy Mother the Church, O Our Lady, we raise our eyes to thee. At Fatima in 1917 thou had come to preach the greatest Crusade ever undertaken against the relentless forces of the Devil hurling souls into Hell. For this purpose thou addressed yourself to three children asking that everyone pray, receive Communion, sacrifice himself, and be an apostle for the victory of the Holy Catholic Church over the forces of evil.

Wishing to answer thy call, we have restarted the Eucharistic Crusade, convinced that children, by their prayers and sacrifices, will be able to draw down upon our poor world the mercies of Heaven, and to draw after them a multitude of grown up into the battle to re-establish the rights of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We wish therefore today solemnly to place under thy motherly protection the Children's Eucharistic Crusade which we consecrate wholly to thy Immaculate Heart. Deign to accept then, O Our Lady of Fatima, to be its Queen and Guardian. Show us that this Consecration has been acceptable to thee by pouring down upon the Eucharistic Crusade and upon all who uphold, support and defend it the fullness of divine blessings so that its spread and growth in holiness may be before the world as a living witness of the power of thy Immaculate Heart.

In Heaven finally assembled by thy cares around the throne of Jesus our Saviour, the only True God, may all the Crusaders and the souls saved because of them sing with one voice for eternity:

Long live Christ the King!

May 13, 1987

Superior General of Society St Pius X
General Chaplain of the Crusade



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