
Official Pilgrimage of the
Canadian District Society of St. Pius X




Jesuit Martyr-Saints of
North America

Schedule of Events

The usual schedule of events is given on this page. Please be sure to contact St Michael's Priory in Toronto for up to date itinerary

7:45 am: Departure of a Bus from the Church of Transfiguration in Toronto to St. Ignace II

10:00 am: Holy Mass near St. Ignace Village, the location where St. Jean de Brebeuf and Gabriel Lalemant suffered their martyrdom

12:00 noon: Picnic Lunch

12:45 pm: Departure of pilgrims wishing to walk from St. Ignace to the Martyrs Shrine (approx. 13 Kms./7 miles)

1:30 pm: Departure to the Starting-point of the 3-4 km (2 mile) walk to Martyrs Shrine

3:30 pm: Arrival at the Martyrs Shrine, Veneration of Relics

4:15 pm: Outdoor Stations of the Cross/Visit to St. Marie Among the Hurons

Practical Notes

A bus will be rented which will depart from the Church of the Transfiguration in Toronto at 7:45 am sharp and return around 8:00 pm. The bus fee is $15.00-20.00 per person, depending on how many persons come on the bus.

Those who will provide for their own means of transportation may meet at St. Ignace II for Mass. Pilgrims are responsible for then own meals, as well as any water and refreshments. Refreshments are available at the Martyrs Shrine.


Two Pilgrimages from St. Ignace II to Martyrs Shrine

Pilgrimage 1.: A 13 km hike from St. Ignace to the Martyrs shrine. This hike departs very soon after the Mass, and should be done by only those who are in the proper condition to walk this distance.

Pilgrimage 2.: There will be a 3-4 km hike beginning at the picnic area at Highway 12 near Hogg's Bay, concluding at the Martyrs Shrine. These pilgrims will meet with the pilgrims from those who departed earlier from the Martyrs shrine.

Those who do not wish to partake hi either hike may proceed directly to the Martyrs Shrine after lunch. Durable shoes or hiking boots are highly recommended as the walk will be an old railway track on a terrain consisting of large, loose gravel. Bring plenty of water with you. Hats, Sunscreen and rain-gear are also recommended.

Who Were The Canadian Martyrs?

Jesuit missionaries laboured among the Huron Indians of The Georgian bay area using Ste. Marie (1639-1649) as their head­quarters. A number of these intrepid pioneers met death by martyrdom. In March 1649, Fathers Brebeuf and Lalemant were martyred at St. Ignace, a Humon village six miles from here; their bodies were buried at Ste Marie. That same year, Fathers Gamier and Chabanel fell martyrs in Petun country to the southwest. Father Daniel had been killed at Teanaotaiae in July 1648, and, earlier, Father Jogues (1646) and two lay helpers, Rene Goupil (1642) and Jean de la Lande (1646), had died near Auriesville, NY State.

Why a Pilgrimage of Catholic Tradition?

A pilgrimage is one of the most favored and time-honored Catholic customs to obtain graces for extra-ordinary circumstances.

Catholic Tradition is the spirit of Faith which reminds men that they must pass through the things of this world to obtain the things of the next, by repairing with this external act of Faith for those public sins committed against the sacred traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.

Place of martyrdom S Jean de Brébeuf & Gabriel Lalemant


The Martyrs' Shrine is located of Highway 12 two miles East of Midland, Ontario. It consists of a Basilica, Outdoor Stations of the Cross, and many other outdoor shrines. In the Church are the relics of St. Jean de Brebeuf, St. Gabriel Lalemant, and St. Rene Goupil.

St. Ignace II (as it is called) is the exact location where Sts. Jean de Brebeuf and Gabriel Lalemant suffered their martyrdom. It is at located off Rosemount Road, South of Highway 12. It is at this location where The Mass is offered in the morning.

Directions to St. Ignace II (Where the Mass is celebrated):

From Toronto: Take 400 North past Barrie and Coldwater. Exit Highway 12 West, which is the exit for Waubashene and Victoria Harbour. The Exit Number is 147. (Note: you will see other signs to the Martyrs Shrine and to Highway 12. Do not exit at any of these, but wait until the Waubashene/Victoria Harbour Exit.)

***Continue on Highway 12 West for about 3 Kilometres. There will be a Shell gas station on your right. Turn Left onto Rosemount road. Continue on Rosemount Road for about 3 kilometres, and right after going over a small bridge you will see sign: Camp Manitomno and St. Ignace. Turn left here to arrive at St. Ignace.

From the North: Take 69 South/400 South, and exit Highway 12 West, Exit Number 147. Then follow above***

Directions to the Martyrs Shrine from St. Ignace II:

Return to Highway 12, and at the Shell station turn Left. Continue on Highway 12 West for about 10 Km and the Martyrs Shrine will be on your right (on the north side of Highway 12; do not confuse with St. Marie among the Hurons).


Best Western
Box 515, 945 King Street,
Midland, Ont. L4R 4L3
Tel: (705) 526-9307

Comfort Inn
980 King Street,
Midland, Ont. L4R 4K5
Tel: (705) 526-2090
Toll Free: 1 (800) 228-5150

Awenda Campsite                
P .O. Box 5004
Penatanguishene ON L9M 2G2
Tel: (705) 549-2231

For More Information Contact:
Society of St. Pius X

District of Canada
45 Guthrie Avenue
Toronto, ON M8Y 3L2
Phone: (416) 251-0499
Fax: (416) 251-7430

Martyrs Shrine
Midland, Ontario, Canada
(705) 526-3788

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