Rosary Crusade Clarion
Devotional bulletin of the Rosary Crusade in Canada

June2001 Issue #6

Do you know the first Saturdays in honour of the Rosary?

Our Lady of the Rosary (during an apparition) at Fatima, Portugal on June 13, 1917 made this agreement:


"I promise at the hour of death, to help, with the graces needed for their salvation, whoever on the first Saturday) of five consecutive months, shall confess and receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep me) company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen) mysteries of the Rosary with the intention of making reparation to me."             

We are further encouraged to sanctify every first Saturday by a Communion of reparation, preparatory prayer (especially the rosary), and some sacrifice made for the same intention.


Our Lady of Fatima


"The more the Holy Ghost finds Mary, His dear and inseparable spouse, in any soul, the more active and mighty He becomes in producing Jesus Christ in that soul, and that soul in Jesus Christ" (st. Louis de Montfort) We ascribe our sanctification to the action of the Holy Ghost, and we ascribe all the graces which lead to our sanctification to the mediation of our Blessed Mother.

The greatest honour of our Lady is that she gave flesh to Jesus Christ. As Mother of God she brought Jesus into the world. This she did once within herself, but we may say that she continues to bring Christ into the world through our flesh, by conforming us to her divine Son. If we sincerely love the Blessed Virgin, she will pour the gifts of the Holy Ghost into our souls. We will be changed, not only by the slow reform of our natural habits into virtues, but by the immediate infusion of supernatural virtues into our souls. We will share in the very life of Christ, which is sanctifying grace.

So let us fill ourselves with devotion to Mary, for then the Holy Ghost will come and dwell in our souls with the sevenfold gifts of grace. May He sanctify us all. Please, in your prayers to our Lady, remember the priests and deacons who will be ordained in the Society of St. Pius X, at the end of this month, and myself among them.

United to you in devotion to the Blessed Virgin, I am,
Emanuel Herkel
Rev. Mr. Herkel


Decent of the Holy Ghost

[The following parallelism, between Mary, Mother of God, and the Church, Mother of the Christian, abridged from the last work of Mgr. Gaume, Traite du Saint Esprit, appears to us so comprehensive, and so admirably adapted to the solemnity of Pentecost and to our epoch that we cannot refrain from assuring our readers, in advance, that ft will richly repay them for an attentive perusal.]


The detailed history of Pentecost shows the that the foundation of the Church, as well as, the creation of Mary, is the chef-d'oeuvre of the Holy Ghost Between these two marvels there are striking analogies which we shall now indicate. Mary is filled with all the gifts of the Holy Ghost: as an immortal diadem, they adorn her virginal head. This description equally applies to the Church. The Holy Ghost pours forth His gifts not with measure, but according to the capacity of the vessels presented. As the immediate creation of the Holy Ghost, Mary's capacity is complete, and, for the same reason, the capacity of the Church is complete. Hence, in Mary is the fullness of the gifts of the Holy Ghost; plenitude of all the interior gifts; plenitude of the gifts of Wisdom and Understanding, plenitude of the gifts of Counsel and Knowledge, plenitude of the gifts of Piety and Fortitude, and of the Fear of the Lord; plenitude of all the exterior gifts, the gifts of miracles, healing, prophecy, and of tongues.

History proves that all the gifts which are communicated to the august Mother of the Son, are given, by the Holy Ghost, to the Mother of Christians. Today, Heaven and earth can say to the Church what the angel said to Mary: "Hail full of grace;" the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among all societies; the holy ones to whom thou wilt give birth, shall be called the children of God. Doubt it not. See how the virtue of the Most High envelopes thee with His shadow, and with what magnificence the Holy Ghost descends upon thee.

Conqueror of the King of the City of Sin, the Word Incarnate accomplishes His promise. He ascended on high, conducting in His triumph the demons in chains, and their captives gloriously restored to liberty. After the example of the ancient conquerors, He today distributes His gifts. From His divine hands are poured forth upon you, not talents of gold, nor mines of silver, but the gifts of the Holy Ghost, and, among them, the gift of tongues. Thanks to this new gift the Jew, in becoming Thy son and speaking his maternal idiom, sounds in the ears of all nations the glories of the Word, and the Romans adore Him whom one of their proconsuls, Pilate, condemned to the death of the cross....

As the Holy Spirit is ever united to Mary; so is He ever united to the Church. Formed in the Cenacle, the Mother of Christians appears full of life on the day of Pentecost. She lives since she possesses the principle of her movement, the Holy Ghost, who manifests Himself by the acts reserved for Himself alone. "On the day of Pentecost," says St. Augustine, "the Holy Ghost descended as a sanctifying shower upon the Apostles, His living temples. He is not a passing visitor, but a perpetual consoler, an eternal resident." The Word Incarnate said of Himself to His Apostles: "I am with you all days, even to the end of the world." He said the same of the Holy Spirit: 'The Paraclete that My Father will send, will remain forever with you." He was then present to the faithful, not by the mere favor of His visits and His operations, but by the presence of His Majesty. These vessels received not only the odor of the balm, but the balm itself, in order that its perfume might fill the entire world, rendering the Disciples and Apostles capable of the life of God itself, and participants of His nature.

The Holy Ghost dwelt with Mary in order to protect, inspire, and direct her; in other words, to preserve her until the end, full of grace and the unique type of moral beauty. Without the protection of the Holy Ghost, how could Mary, poor and delicate, have escaped with her young Babe, from the fury of Herod? In the infancy of the Church, the race of Herod had also sworn its death. Three bloody weapons were in the hands of its enemies; persecution, heresy and scandal. These weapons will ever find arms to wield them; but they will ever be opposed by supernatural strength, wisdom and constancy; the triple cuirass with which the Holy Ghost invested the Church.

The Divine Spirit inspired Mary, and He inspires the Church. On account of the sublimity of her prophetic chant, Mary is called the Queen of Prophets. If among the prophets, inspiration was a living stream, in Mary it was a torrent, a mighty sea. It is the same in the Church. The spirit of wisdom, which in the mouth of children or peasants astonished the Roman Governors by the admirable and sublime simplicity of its responses, is expressed in the assemblies of the Church by the Pontiffs, with a lucidity which disconcerts error and with an authority, unknown before the Pentecost.

In early days grave questions arise and call forth in council the fishermen of Galilee. Theologians of the first order, and therefore eminent philosophers, they discuss the most difficult points with a depth of reasoning which silences the wisdom and learning of the senate, and when the debate is ended, the council sends its decision to the faithful of the East and of the West, in a form of which no human assembly had ever dreamed: "It hath seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us". Human understanding is placed on the same level with divine understanding. Man divides with God the doctrinal infallibility and judicial power. If this is not sublime, we know not what sublimity means. This deification of man by the Holy Ghost never ceased in the Church. The same divine assurance pervades through all general councils. - The Holy Ghost not only inspires the words of Mary, but directs all her steps. From Nazareth He leads her to Bethlehem; from Bethlehem to Egypt; from Egypt to Galilee, to Jerusalem, to Calvary, to the Cenacle. His action upon the Church is the same through all ages.

The guidance of the Holy Ghost which is found in the lives of the Apostles, has never abandoned the Church. From the creation, infinite wisdom guides the sun, as by the hand, daily indicating to him the places to which he must bear his light. So from the evangelical regeneration, the Holy Ghost directs the Church, the sun of the moral world, marking for it with precision, the nations and souls it must visit or abandon. To this guiding action, we must attribute the passage of faith from one nation to another; the conversion of the people of the North at the time of the Eastern schism; the discovery of America forty years after the renaissance of Paganism in Europe.

We terminate this parallel between Mary and the Church, by another trait no less touching. We have noticed the similarity which exists in their fruitful virginity, but the resemblance is still stronger in their maternal love. Mother of the Word Incarnate, Mary nourished her Son with her virginal milk. She surrounded Him with the most tender cares, bestowing on Him the most affectionate caresses, shielding Him from dangers, sharing His sorrow; and not leaving Him even at the hour of His death.

The Church, mother of the Christian, nourishes him with the virginal milk of her doctrine. Not an error, not the shadow of an error, does she permit to enter the understanding, formed for truth and nothing but the truth. With jealous solicitude this mother incessantly watches over the food of her children. She carefully withdraws from them all tainted viands; and defends her young with all the courage of a lioness. She hurls her anathemas and menaces against all assassinating Herods. Happy the Christians who have always understood the heart of their mother.

Not only did Mary love her Son, but she loved all those whom He loved. Her love knew no inconstancy, nor coldness, nor limits of time, place or persons. Such is the love of Mary. In showing to all ages Jesus nailed to the cross, Mary can say, "I have loved the world even to sacrificing for it my only Son."

Mother of the Christian, the Church has the right to use the same language. From every part of the globe, which is, for her, and immense Calvary, she shows the crosses, the scaffolds, the cauldrons of boiling oil, the instruments of torture, the wild beasts of the amphitheaters, and all the thousand varieties of torture and death invented by Satan, which during twenty centuries have permanently existed in different parts of the world; there, her dearest children, are crucified, hung, burned at the stake, roasted at the fire, and torn to pieces by savage beasts, during all this time and in all these places. At this sight, borrowing the language of Mary, she says to angels and to men: "See how I have loved the world! To save it, I have given, and I still give my most beloved sons, bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh."

Added to so many others, this last trait of resemblance shows us in the annals of humanity, two mothers, and only two, Mary and the Church, who sacrifice their children for the salvation of the world. 0 Mary! O Church! unheard of miracles of charity! Let him who loves you not, be an anathema.

From Ave Maria - May 19,1866.

