"Tradidi quod et accepi"
"I transmitted what I have recieved"



Official Bulletin of the
Society of St. Pius X
For Canada


* * * *

No. 11 of a New Series
February - April 2002




Father Dominique De Vriendt

Spiritual Journey according to St. Thomas
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

ASSISI: The Peace Of God Or The Peace Of The Freemasonery?

Assisi: 1 -The facts
Assisi: 2 - Statement of Bishop Fellay
Assisi: 3 - Two discourses of the Pope
Assisi: 4 - Our remarks
Father Dominique De Vriendt
Assisi: 5 - Some quotes from Tradition

Dossier: Campos

Campos: 1 - Declaration of January 16
Bishop Bernard Fellay
Campos: 2 - Official Texts
Campos: 3 - Commentary of Father Cottier
Campos: 4 - Some reactions
Campos: 5 - The Superior General last statement: March 1st, 2002

The Problem of the Liturgical Reform: Part III: The Redeeming Sacrifice
Father François Laisney

Musical Education
Pierrette Beutter

Open Letter to the Engaged
Father Christian Bouchacourt

The news about Saint Joseph Bursary
Father Dominique De Vriendt

The Third Order of the Society of St Pius X
Father Gerard Rusak

Overpopulation: are the figures true?


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