
Communicantes: Jan. 2001


Farewell to the Faithful of Canada

Father Jacques Emily

My Dear faithful,

The Pope and all the bishops of the Church will be united in Rome on Sunday, October 8th, for the Holy Year Jubilee. The Vatican has announced that the Pope, along with the bishops, will consecrate the Church and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Father Scott, in response to this announcement, has written a letter to all the faithful of the district of the United States, to encourage them to pray earnestly to obtain the signal grace of the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as well as the consecration of the Church and of the world.

I would like to extend my support to this initiative of Father Scott by publishing his letter in the Communicantes as well. I wish to encourage our faithful in the District of Canada to join their prayers to those of our American friends and colleagues for this holy intention.

The threat of a nuclear world war, the spread of communism throughout the world under the guise of democracy and socialism, the bloody wars propagated by Russia, which have devastated so many countries, the intensive growth of the persecution against the Catholic Church in China, Indonesia, Sudan, Russia…, the refusal of the official orthodox church to return to communion with Rome, provide sufficient proof that Russia remains quite far from being converted and that Communism is not dead. Therefore, sad to say, it is more than evident that the consecration of this country, so dear to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, has not yet been accomplished in the manner made known to the young seers by Our Lady.

Will the Pope take advantage of this meeting on October 8th to carry out the consecration of Russia with all the bishops of the world who will be present for the  Jubilee? Such is the most ardent hope and the object of the most fervent prayers of all Catholics conscious of the dangers that menace the world and the Church. The occasion which will present itself this coming October will be an exceptional opportunity for the Pope and the bishops to accomplish, to the letter, the demands of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. There is, unfortunately, no indication of their intention to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at this moment.

This is a real tragedy for the Church and for the world! When we see how the Vatican interprets the Third Secret (is it even revealed in its integrity?) truly, we have reason to tremble. Cardinals Ratzinger and Sodano dare to reassure the world by explaining that we need not worry as the events mentioned in the Third Secret concern the past…!? However, in contrast to this irreverent abatement, there is much reason to fear that God will not continue much longer to tolerate being scorned by the representatives of His Church. They reject His threats and refuse to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of His Most Holy Mother – they will have much to suffer and to answer for if they persist in their error…

This reunion of the Pope and bishops in Rome on October 8th very well could be the last one permitted by God to accomplish His demands and those of His Most Holy Mother before His threats become a reality: “God will chastise the world in a terrible manner. The chastisement from heaven is imminent”, Sister Lucy warned us. If one considers events such as the alarming rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the world, (or to give other examples - the massacres in Algeria and the deliberate destruction of the Christians in the Moluccas), or the election of Mr. Putin to the Presidency of Russia, considering his activities in Chechnya, these events, normally, would constitute serious warnings for our bishops as to what awaits the world if they continue to be obstinate in their blindness and in their refusal to comply with the demands of the Blessed Virgin.

That is why this initiative of Father Scott deserves our adamant support; to organize a crusade of prayers for this most serious and urgent intention of the Church and of the world: the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

“If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated. In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and it will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.” (Our Lady of Fatima, July 13th, 1917)

Thus we will unite our prayers with those of the faithful in the United States and from now on, we will offer, in union with them, one decade of our daily Rosary and the prayers of Pope Leo XIII ‑ those offered after the Low Mass ‑ for this intention.

As this is now the last time which I shall write to you in the Communicantes before my departure for my new ministry in England, I can only encourage you, once again to say your rosary every day and to enroll in the Perpetual Rosary Crusade in Canada. When one considers the situation in the world and the dreadful crisis in which Our Church is immersed, the decision to recite the rosary every day, if possible, together in the family, as well as joining the Rosary Crusade, certainly will be one of the wisest and holiest decisions you and your family will make during this Holy Year. “God is giving two final remedies to the world”, Sister Lucy adds, “And these are the Holy Rosary and the Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the last two remedies, and this signifies that there will not be any others.”

“The Most Holy Virgin, in these last times in which we live, has given a new efficacy to the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or, above all, spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, our families, in the families of the world, or the religious communities, or even  the problems of entire nations, that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. We will console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls” (Sister Lucy, conversation with Fr. Fuentes, December 26th, 1957).

Before leaving, I now have the honour and the happiness to present to you my successor, our dear Father Jean Violette, of whom most of you are already acquainted.

But through the sorrow that I have in leaving you, it is, in fact, a great joy and a great consolation to be able to hand over my charge to Father Violette, because he is certainly the ideal person that one could imagine to take over as district superior of Canada. He is Canadian, he is perfectly bilingual and he knows the district very well as he has practiced his ministry here from the time of his ordination in June of 1984 until his departure for Australia in 1994.

He has now acquired much experience during the last six years, which he spent as district superior in Australia. We can do nothing but thank the Divine Providence and Bishop Fellay for bringing back to us our “fellow countryman” who has all the qualities and who is especially suited for being the new district superior of Canada. That is why I entreat you to reserve for him a most hearty welcome, and to extend to him, as you have done to me, all your confidence and your support.

Thank you again, dear faithful, for all that you have done to help me in my ministry through your prayers, your dedication and your generosity. Be assured that I will cherish the fondest memories of these sixteen years which I have passed in your beautiful country of Canada, which has also become my country, not only through citizenship, but above all through the love which I hold for it and which I will keep always.

At this time of my departure, I know that many of you will wish to manifest to me your gratitude by offering several gifts. I thank you, in advance, with all my heart, but I would not like to accept anything. I realize your affection and your gratitude towards me and I know that you will keep me in your prayers: this is the most beautiful recompense and the very best gift that you could offer me and I do not wish any other.

If you truly insist in offering me something, then you can make a donation to me which I can give at my departure to the children of the Saint Joseph Bursary and to the Holy Family School, since this is where there is the most need. Another beautiful gift, which you could offer me, would be to fill in the names of the Perpetual Rosary Crusade in all the Provinces of Canada.

There you have the two things that I have most at heart: the Catholic education of our children and the devotion to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. I therefore confide to you these two treasures: our children, because they are the foundation of the restoration of Christianity and of Our Lady, because She is the Mother of the Church and of our souls and because, through the Holy Rosary, Mary will crush the head of the infernal enemy and in the end, her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart will triumph. “May devotion to Mary be held in honour in all the localities of the Society and in all the hearts of all of its members! Mary will keep us in the Catholic Faith.” (Archbishop Lefebvre, Spiritual Journey)

Farewell, My Dear Faithful, be assured that I will not forget you in my prayers and I ask you simply to keep me in yours. May God protect Canada and may He always shower upon it abundant blessings. May Our Lady take your dear families under her special protection and may she always keep them in her Immaculate Heart.


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