"Tradidi quod et accepi"
"I transmitted what I have recieved"



Official Bulletin of the
Society of St. Pius X
For Canada


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No. 6 of a New Series
August, 2000



Editorial: Farewell to the faithful of Canada
Father Jacques Emily

Crusade of prayers for the Consecration of Russia
Letter of Father Peter Scott

Letter # 58 to Friends and Benefactors
H.E. Bishop Bernard Fellay

The third part of the Secret of Fatima
Remarks by Bishop Bernard Fellay

The third Secret of Fatima
Father Gerard Rusak

The evil of Ecumenism; the attack on the Mass, Part II
H.E. Bishop Bernard Fellay

In memoriam: Bishop Salvador Lazo

My Declaration of Faith; letter to the Pope
H.E. Bishop Salvador L. Lazo

The foundation of French Canada, a Catholic endeavor
Mr. Jean-Claude Dupuis

In memoriam: Father Armand Coulombe
Mr. Jean-Claude Dupuis

The fiasco of the Fraternity of St. Peter
Father François Pivert

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