
Communicantes: August 2001


Father Dominique De Vriendt

We present to you, on the following page, the principal extracts of the editorial which appeared in Roma Felix, July-August 2001, the bulletin of the Society of St. Pius X in Italy, of Father Michel Simoulin. He magnificently introduces the reader to Bishop Fellay’s interview by Father Guillaume de Tanouarn, published in the journal Pacte, No. 56, of last June, which we reproduce at length in this issue. These two texts perfectly summarize the position of the Society during the recent discussions with Rome and give a very discerning assessment for the future, successfully avoiding two harmful extremes: the loss of confidence in the Church, our Mother, of which Rome is and remains the visible head, whether we like it or not, and on the other hand the spirit of compromise, which is unfaithful in what is essential, through cowardice or some other base motive.

So, the combat continues, and in spite of the recent failure, a supernatural hope of victory, that is, of Rome’s return to Tradition, must sustain us. As Fr. Simoulin declares, not only must we continue to love our Holy Mother the Church, of which Rome is the visible head, although occupied by the modernist sect, but we must anticipate the future with a more steadfast hope. As Bishop Fellay said, we have gained some ground: in renouncing a solely practical agreement that would have, so to speak, isolated us in the “zoo” of the Tradition, at the same time ranking us along with the destructors of the faith, and even, in reality, under their dominion, the Society forces Rome to tackle the crisis from a doctrinal point of view. For indeed it is the new theology of Vatican II that is at the root of the evil, spreading its noxious poison to all the institutions of the Church, and primarily in the Liturgy, producing incalculable devastation in souls.

The study of the New Mass entitled The Problem of the Liturgical Reform has been sent to all the cardinals, and also to all the bishops and priests of France. Translations in German, English, Italian and Spanish will soon be sent to a great many bishops and priests of the world. We encourage all who are able, to read this book and to make it known outside the circles of Tradition: if God so desires, and with the help of His grace, it will be like the stone that struck down Goliath. But let us not forget that the combat is above all supernatural: as St. Paul says, we are not only fighting against men, but against the powers of the spirits of darkness. It is especially with fervent and assiduous prayer, assistance at Holy Mass, faithfulness in practicing the Christian virtues and in renouncing the spirit of the world that we will obtain the victory.

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