"Tradidi quod et accepi"
"I transmitted what I have recieved"



Official Bulletin of the
Society of St. Pius X
For Canada


* * * *

No. 9 of a New Series
August 2001



Father Dominique De Vriendt

On the "Negociations" with Rome: an Overview
Father Michel Simoulin

Bishop Fellay replies to Cardinal Hoyos
H.E. Bishop Bernard Fellay

Our Hope After the Battle
Interview with Bishop Fellay, Pacte No. 56

Spiritual Journey
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

The Problem of the Liturgical Reform:
Address to the Holy Father

Bishop Bernard Fellay

The Problem of the Liturgical Reform:
A Presentation of the Study

Father Francois Laisney

How the Family and the School Should Combine their Efforts
Part 2: by the Dominican teaching Sisters, Idaho

Harry Potter and the Problem of Good and Evil
Marian Therese Horvath

Blessed Columba Marmion, Abbot of Maredsous, a Spiritual Guide for Our Times

Christ, Life of the Soul (Excerpts)
Abbot Columba Marmion


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