
Communicantes: August 2001

On the "Negociations" with Rome:
an Overview

Roma Felix, July-August, 2001, Albano Laziale, Italy
Father Michel Simoulin


So Rome does not wish to do justice to the Holy Mass, and continues to renounce her past, a past sealed with the most exalted sanctity, while they have no other sanctity to offer us but that of Pope John, preserved with his smile of wax, thanks to 10 liters of a prodigious chemical product! On the other hand, the body of St. Pius X, which has not been embalmed, remains intact and entire, and even endowed with a certain amount of flexibility after 87 years. But no one speaks of this, no one is astonished and almost no one takes the time to pray to him.

I must confess that, even if I retain a love for Rome, I cannot but be angry about this official impiety, which becomes more and more public.

Thus, for example, if tomorrow I encountered Cardinal Ratzinger, I would ask him two questions:

1) Since that which had been presented to the world in June of 2000 was not part of the message of Our Lady to the children of Fatima, where is the third part of the secret of Fatima hidden? We know that this production of last year is a very well publicized lie, a lie that you must render an account for before God and the Virgin. Tell us then, Your Eminence, before you present yourself in front of the Divine Judge, where is the secret hidden? Why did you have revealed a text which was not part of the secret, if not to close the subject of Fatima, thus being able to continue in the Council’s road to ruin, a Council probably denounced by the Virgin as the Council of Satan? Well, Your Eminence, cease to lie and tell us where the secret is, which you know and which you confess (in private) to not have revealed.

2) As we know today that the term “subsistit – subsist” to signify the mode of existence of the Church (the Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church, instead of the Church of Christ is the Catholic Church) had been suggested to you by a Protestant minister during the accursed Council (See Si Si No No, May 15, 2001, The Protestant Origin of “subsistit in” from Article 8 of “Lumen Gentium”), will you explain to me just what is this church of Christ which is not the Catholic Church? In fact, if the one subsists in the other, that means that the one is not the other, and that what we have are two diverse realities. For my part, I know what is the Catholic Church, founded by Christ, conceived in His blood and brought to life on the day of Pentecost, the Church entrusted by Christ to St. Peter, so that he would govern Her and direct Her in faith and charity, that is, in love for Him. But I have never heard mention of this other church founded by Christ, which is not the Catholic Church: when I read the Holy Scriptures, the texts of the Apostles or the fathers of the Church, those of the popes, the saints, the doctors, the theologians, the councils… I do not find this concept anywhere but in the Second Vatican Council, introduced by you and suggested by a heretic. Well, Your Eminence, tell me what is this church of Christ that would not be the Catholic Church? Where did it come from, how is it organized, governed, who are its leaders, members, etc…?

And yet it is true that for a time we had hoped that something was changed in Rome, and we had hoped to see the beginning of the Council’s examination of conscience, when they told us that it was necessary to combat liberalism, modernism, and masonry… Today, unfortunately, we have understood that the modernists remain the chiefs and are not disposed to yield no matter what. Consequently, as Bishop Fellay explained to you in Roma Felix of the month of June, we will wait for a true change from Rome before speaking of an agreement. Undoubtedly, we will accept to dialogue on questions of doctrine, but nothing would be done before this doctrine be purified and rendered completely conformable to the Catholic faith.

We know today that, without giving any answer to our objections, the Vatican does not want to, is not able to, or, for a hidden motive, does not accept to give its rights to the Mass celebrated in the Latin Church at least since the time of Pope saint Gregory up to the year 1969. “A certain number of Cardinals, Bishops and faithful deem that such a permission should not be granted” wrote Cardinal Castrillon “because this permission could bring confusion in many people’s mind who would interpret it as a depreciation of the value of the holy Mass that the Church is celebrating today”. So, wihout giving any doctrinal or theological reason, the Vatican refuses to aknowledge that this Mass (the traditional Mass) belongs to the treasure of the Church and that any priest or faithful can use it freely. The Vatican does not accept to declare the truth, namely that neither the Council Vatican II nor Paul VI nor any other Pope never did prohibit its celebration. This because it does not want to create a division amongst the cardinals or the bishops or the faithful, preferring this way to sacrifice truth for unity (but what unity? Unity in injustice and lies!) So the Vatican, after these months of expectation, manifests clearly today that nothing changed in Rome occupied by the modernists and that there is no will to change anything.

Nevertheless, we must continue to love the Church. It is easy to think one loves the Church, when one only loves a fiction of the imagination, a Church which would exist only in our mind but not in reality. The same way we cannot love “humanity” as such (an abstract thing) because the only really existing being which we can love (or not love) truly is this particular, individual man, or this other one. Humanity is only a concept of our mind (this is why we are asked to love our neighbor, and not humanity). In the same way, the Church is not a concept, an abstraction of our mind, or something which would exist only in our libraries, in our memories ... it is not even the Church of Pius IX, or of saint Pius X, or of Pius XII ... The Church is living today in the daily reality and she is, today as before, the Church of Jesus-Christ, a reality always incarnated in the human history and governed today by the Pope John Paul II, Vicar of Jesus-Christ, even if this displeases us! We need to be realistic and to not live in a dream.

We must keep loving Rome, Rome as she is today, as we love the Rome of yesterday. We must love Rome because Rome remains the instrument through which we did receive all the goods of our souls; because Rome is our homeland and because this our homeland is occupied by the modernist and masonic ennemy, and because we want to free our homeland from its ennemies who are much more dangerous than this other “ennemy” (the Nazis) who occupied our terrestrial homeland sixty years ago. This latter did not prevent us to remain sons of our motherland and to love her. On the contrary, we tried to deliver her because we loved her as the dearest thing to our hearts.

In the same way, we must not loose confidence in the Church. We must always believe in Her, our Mother, Mother more powerful than all her ennemies, and who is waiting the hour of God to put an end to the hour of darkness, if we want it and if we persevere to love Her, even if She is wounded and disfigured by a spirit which is not Hers.

We live in difficult hours, with temptations of all kind. Among these, the most dangerous would be discouragement, despair, the loss of any confidence in the Church, that is to say in the promisses of Jesus-Christ. Let us pray Our Lady of Holy Hope to keep this virtue in our hearts, with serenity and peace, so that we wait and work to prepare the hour of the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart. “Have confidence ... I have vanquished the world”.

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