"Tradidi quod et accepi"
"I transmitted what I have recieved"



Official Bulletin of the
Society of St. Pius X
For Canada


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No. 12 of a New Series
May - July 2002




Father Dominique De Vriendt

Spiritual Journey
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

The Canadian District From Coast to Coast
Fr. Jacques Emily, adapted by Fr. De Vriendt

Sermon of Archbishop Lefebvre
On the occasion of the blessing of St. Pius X Priory in Shawinigan, November 8, 1977

A District Superior of the Fraternity of Saint Peter defends the scandal of Assisi
Father Dominique De Vriendt

Of Scandal
By Saint Thomas Aquinas

Is it permitted to eat of meats which have been sacrificed to false gods?

Tolerance of false religions
Text by Cardinal Pie

Frequentations and marriage

To Be or Not to Be
A Catholic Opinion On Hamlet

Brief News from here and there

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