
April - June 2004, No. 19
Tough Luck!
By Rev. Fr. Patrick Girouard SSPX

Dear readers,

Fr. Patrick Girouard


To begin this edition, I would like to thank you very much for your prayers, financial support, and letters of appreciation. Thank you also for the time that some of you have taken to comment and even criticize, some articles. It is only through such interaction between you, the reader, and those involved in producing the Communicantes that we can work to perfect this magazine. So please, continue to assist us in all ways possible because as H. E. Bishop de Galaretta told us last March, “this (the Catholic press) is a very important apostolate; for many people that’s all they have to sustain their faith as they are too far from our centers”.

In pondering these words of H. E. Bishop de Galaretta, I think that they are all too true; I am tempted even to say: “Unfortunately true”. Indeed, how many Catholics nowadays live far away from the Sacraments and from the Pulpit of Truth! How many would like to be able to find once again these in their parishes and Cathedrals! But as these places have become infested by the Modernist Heresy, and as they prefer not to compromise with error, they are forced to stay away from them. The situation is grave, but if we think we have reached the bottom of the barrel, we might have to change our minds. We should not delude ourselves: It is not unreasonable to fear that what happened to Jerusalem in 70 AD will take place again with the New Jerusalem – Rome.

Indeed, the same cause produces the same effect. And what was the cause of the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in 70 AD? The simple fact that the Chosen People of God “did not know the time of its visitation” as Our Lord, Himself said. They had access to all the prophecies, they had Christ, Himself, amongst them, proving His words by countless and astounding miracles . . . but they refused Him and crucified Him, and they endeavored even to stop the blossoming of His Church in Its infancy by casting out the Apostles from the Temple, and fiercely persecuted them. Their rejection of the Church of Christ was at the same time that of His Sacrifice. They did not want to repent for their infidelity and ingratitude to God. They did not want to find mercy and strength at the foot of the Christian Altar, where Our Lord was renewing His Sacrifice in an unbloody but real manner. In consequence, the Apostles were obliged to hide in order to celebrate the Divine Mysteries. So, with this continued rejection of Our Lord, and with this ungratefulness for the graces received, the Chosen People eventually exhausted God’s patience towards themselves.

Here is an interesting fact: Many archaeologists and historians estimate that Our Lord must have been crucified in the year 30 of our era. This would mean that the Jews had 40 years to repent and to render Christ and the Mass due honor. Unfortunately, they clung to a human and a natural way of looking at things, and to their old way of life. They wanted a temporal Messiah that would give them civic peace and material prosperity. They were not interested in a religion of the heart, about a real conversion and love for God. The People of God once again had lost its original fervor. Its members did not want to submit to Our Lord and to “renounce to all they had, and to carry their crosses” in order to become His disciples, and thus “to have life, and to have life superabundantly”. This all round rejection of Our Lord by His Elected Vine lead to its eventual drying out. The time thus came where God used the Romans to “cut it out and throw it into the fire”. Jerusalem and its beautiful Temple were besieged, destroyed and burned to the ground. Only those who saw it coming – and following the advice of Our Lord, fled Jerusalem – were saved. Their numbers were few and they were scattered to the four corners of the earth.

When we analyze the situation of the Church, especially since Vatican II, we cannot help but see in this historical fact a foreshadowing of where the current crisis of faith is leading. The New Elected People, the members of that New Jerusalem that is called the Church, have become deaf to the words of Our Lord. The Charity of many Catholics of the 20th century has grown cold, even frigidly so. Their Faith gave way to Indifferentism. They ceased to appreciate their election and the gifts God showered upon them through the centuries, especially that of the Mass. The Mass became too much a reminder of the Cross they, themselves would be obliged to bear if they wanted to truly follow Christ. Attending Mass became for many a mere social convention, a façade of respectability, something one had to do if he wanted to “belong”; as King Henry IV of France once said: “I don’t mind going to Mass if it opens the Gates of Paris for me”. In the fifties and sixties, the New Vine was becoming increasingly dry. The faithful were not as interested as before in deepening their Faith or in sanctifying themselves through the Sacraments. They, instead, became more and more influenced by their worldly surroundings. They wanted to have fun and enjoy themselves. They also trusted more in politics and worldly alliances than in God’s help. Political and naturalistic considerations lead the churchmen and the faithful to refuse to comply with the simple demands of Our Lady. The Pope and the bishops neglected to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The 3rd Secret of Fatima was not revealed as Our Lady had instructed. Once again, churchmen and faithful alike chose not to follow the “narrow path” as delineated by Our Lord.

In essence, History would repeat itself. Our Lord has already started to punish His Newly Chosen People, and once again He used the Romans to do the job. Indeed, He let Modernist Prelates infiltrate the Roman Curia and Universities, and He let them disorient the Church from within. He let them abolish the True Sacrifice, if not legally, at least, in practice. There was not one aspect of the Church that these neo-pagans failed to besiege: The Mass, of course, the other Sacraments, the Bible, the Catechism, the Ritual (book of blessings and exorcism), the Code of Canon Law, the entirety of Theology and Philosophy, the hierar-chical structure of the Church from the parish level to the Papacy itself, and even the Rosary has been changed (cf. Communicantes #14)! This spiritual betrayal of Our Lord, by the members of the New Jerusalem that have fallen away, has brought about the slaughter of millions of souls who were spiritu-ally blinded to the true God and His Church on earth. The only ones who have truly escaped the spiritual destruc-tion of the New Jerusalem were those who fled the physical confines of the conciliar church and who were eventu-ally thrown off the walls all together by the 1988 so-called “excommunica-tion”. The Apostate Prelates and Faith-ful also provoked the material destruc-tion of the visible aspect of the Church: Her churches and monasteries. Built for and around the Old Mass by our ancestors, these are now transformed into museums and condominiums, that is, when they are not simply torn down. Like many stones in a wall of the Church that has been penetrated, they fall one after the other, and the momen-tum continues to gain speed.

In essence, History would repeat itself. Our Lord has already started to punish His Newly Chosen People, and once again He used the Romans to do the job. Indeed, He let Modernist Prelates infiltrate the Roman Curia and Universities, and He let them disorient the Church from within. He let them abolish the True Sacrifice, if not legally, at least, in practice. There was not one aspect of the Church that these neo-pagans failed to besiege: The Mass, of course, the other Sacraments, the Bible, the Catechism, the Ritual (book of blessings and exorcism), the Code of Canon Law, the etirety of Theology and Philosophy, the hierarchical structure of the Church from the parish level to the Papacy it-self, and even the Rosary has been changed (cf. Communicantes #14)! This spiritual betrayal of Our Lord, by the members of the New Jerusalem that have fallen away, has brought about the slaughter of millions of souls who were spiritually blinded to the true God and His Church on earth. The only ones who have truly escaped the spiritual destruction of the New Jerusalem were those who fled the physical confines of the conciliar church and who were eventually thrown off the walls all together by the 1988 so-called “excommunication”. The Apostate Prelates and Faithful also provoked the material destruction of the visible aspect of the Church: Her churches and monasteries. Built for and around the Old Mass by our ancestors, these are now transformed into museums and condominiums, that is, when they are not simply torn down. Like many stones in a wall of the Church that has been penetrated, they fall one after the other, and the momentum continues to gain speed.

The New Church does not have enough vocations to replace the aging and dying Priests, Religious and Nuns. With the number of their faithful decreasing drastically, the “Romans” cannot keep up with the cost of maintenance of their crumbling structures. How long will it take before “there will be left not a stone upon a stone”? Will God grant a period of 40 years to the people of the New Jerusalem to repent, as He did for the Old? We know the mystical value God attaches to that number of 40. We see it many times in the Bible. Dare we speculate that those in power in Rome have only until 2009 (40 years after the introduction of the New Mass) to make a real “Mea Culpa” and reinstate the Only Agreeable Sacrfice in its due place? Should we fear that if the Roman Authorities fail to do so, God will consummate the destruction of the New Jerusalem by cutting it from the source of Grace, and let it be swept away completely and without return by the spreading fire of heresy? In other words, will God allow it to fall completely into the hands of the enemies of the Church? Will He allow an Anti-Pope to sit on the seat of Peter? Will He permit such an Anti-Pope to prevent the validity of the Sacraments by even newer rites and intentions? Will He let him officially profess and encourage Heresy, so that faith and morals will be destroyed in the hearts of the faithful? In such a manner, the Vatican II Church would cut itself officially from the Church of Christ, hence it would lose communion with Christ’s Mystical Body! Thus it would be accomplished once again: the cutting off of the dried Vine and its discard into the fire. Is that the future of the New Jerusalem? Will what we live since the Sixties reach its full development? Will the Church remain only as a collection of small groups? It is plausible. As I said, the same cause produces the same effect. We can sum up this cause in the words of Our Lord from the Apocalypse: “Because thou art lukewarm… I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth” (3:16).

What about us, those of us who are already fleeing from any compromise with the destroyers of the Church? We, who were kicked out already from our parishes and scattered to the four ends of the earth? Do we understand what lessons we should take from this comparison of the Old and New Jerusalem? It sometimes seems to me that we fail to grasp the essential message History provides us with. All those with whom I have had an opportunity to speak, agree with me that there is a marked weakeing in the fervor and supernatural vision of many “Traditionalists”. As the crisis persists, we settle down in a routine, we look for excuses for our laziness; we become attached to temporal things, even to the detriment of our spiritual life, and that of our children. Twenty-five years ago, there were only a few priests in the Tradition and even less priories, but when it was time for a Triduum of prayers, an all-night exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a Rosary march to protest against some scandal, etc. etc., there were throngs of enthusiastic faithful joining their priest. Many had the courage to look for another job that would allow them to move closer to the priory, so as to have the Mass more often. The same enthusiasm was evident when the Society or a friendly congregation would open a school. When the people could not move, they would sacrifice themselves and find benefactors to send their children to good schools that were far away, sometimes even overseas! Where are we today? It seems to me sometimes that some persons who come to a special ceremony think they are doing the priests a favor! It is the same thing with our schools! Experience demonstrates that whenever and wherever we want to be the topic of conversation, in a negative sense, we need only to work at a school! What of the holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the holy Eucharist, and the Sacrament of Penance? Many prefer to remain 3 or 4 weeks, (and even more) without them instead of moving closer to a priory. Isn’t this incredble? Where is the gratefulness to God for having given us to understand where Truth stands in the actual Crisis? If a Father buys a new bicycle for his son, and the lad never or rarely uses it, will the father be convinced by the words of thanksgiving that his son may utter from time to time? No way! He is more likely to be disgusted by such hypocrisy, and to return the bicycle to the store! Only God knows, and He will show us at our individual judgment, how many sins we could have avoided, how many graces we could have obtained for ourselves and for others, if we would have done all that we could to come closer to the Sacraments. It is entirely possible that our personal salvation, and that of others, has been linked by Divine Providence to such an effort on our part. Surely the daily contact with the Sacraments is what would prepare us for the struggles to come. How will anyone who recoils at the thought of leaving his house, his village or his relatives, obtain the grace of strength, of courage and generosity to remain faithful to Our Lord in a time of temptation or persecution? Let us fear my dear friends, that if we remain lukewarm in the service of the Lord, and if we do not rekindle in our hearts the fire of love for God, we, the “exiled” from the Church, also will be punished just as those who were part of the Old Jerusalem or of the New Jerusalem have been. This could be our reality. If we are not ready to leave this or that to be true disciples of the Lord, He will take away from us the Talents we have not made fructify. He will allow such conditions in our world so that the SSPX will not be able to continue to function as it as done since its inception. Priests could be forced to hide in order to celebrate the Mass and to preach to the faithful. Travel expenses could increase so dramatically that missions could not be served anymore. Then what will happen to us, ungrateful children of God that we so easily become? Remember that the unfaithful servant was not deprived only of his talent because he did not bear fruits, but that he was cast out “in the exterior darkness where there was crying and gnashing of teeth” (Hell). That servant did not seem to be such a bad guy: He didn’t commit any action against his Master. He just did not love Him enough to do all he could to serve Him well. So what will happen to us? God forbid that we die in our sins at the terrible time of His wrath, because He would have deprived us of the Sacraments we failed to be thankful for! Let us fall on our knees and beg pardon from God for being so ungrateful and materialistic. Let us ask the Holy Ghost to give us courage and fervor. Let us do ALL WE CAN to be able to come closer to the Sacraments. God asks not the impossible, but only that we pray and then honestly do what we can. If we cannot, then He will provide us with all the graces for our salvation. If, however, we can and we fail to do all that we can because we are too attached to things, places or people to make the moves that are necessary to secure our service to Our Lord, then some hard words may fall on our soft ears in the future:


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