
"Communicantes Christi passionibus" I Petr:13
"Taking part in the sufferings of Christ"

Official Bulletin of the
Society of St. Pius X
For Canada


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No. 19 of a New Series
April - June 2004


Tough Luck!

By Rev. Fr. P. Girouard SSPX

Cover Story
“Salvation Of Those Who Trust In Thee”
By Fr. Emanuel Herkel SSPX and Mr. Robert G. Titus

Toronto Herald
Images From The Lenten Missions And More…
By Rev. Fr. Carl Sulzen SSPX

Spiritual Journey
Chapter VI:
Jesus Christ, by Whom is Accomplished the Return of Man to God (Part one)

By H.E. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre SSPX

News From The West

Hockey Tournament and More
By Mrs. Kathy Trithart
News From Saskatchewan About a Special Weekend
By Mrs. Connie Green

Those Who Truly Live, The Saints
Bl. Marie-Léonie Paradis {1840 - 1912}

By Mr. Roger Zielke

The Rosary Crusade Clarion
The Virgin of the Annunciation

By Rev. Fr. Emanuel Herkel SSPX

At the Tail, A Tale to Tell
Tide Bound in the Sea-Caves

By Hugh Miller

C.I.A. Page: Surprising News


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