
Communicantes: July - September 2003

By Rev. Father Patrick Girouard SSPX

Amidst Tears and Cheers


When a man sees his house, the fruit of so many toils, being crushed down and collapsing under the combined efforts of vermin that have weakened its structures within, and of a whirlwind that shook it from without, he is most likely to cry out of sorrow and discouragement. But if he can soon see a growing crowd of neighbours coming to help him rebuild a new house, he will probably cheer up at them. And so are we like this man when we look at Christendom that seems to vanish more and more every day. The Old World Order, which was solidly standing on the ground of natural virtues, and which has been raised to great heights by 2000 years of Christianity, is almost completely being crushed down by the work of Churchmen within, and of Secularists without. The ground is well prepared for the Antichrist to appear and take all power in his hands. (See Fr. Herkel's article p.6). Indeed, three major campaigns are being led by one-worlders right now, touching different aspects of the Old World: 1) That against the divinity of Our Lord and of His Gospel. 2) That against the last political enemies of the New World Order, namely the Arab countries. Let me quote here what Commander William Carr had to say about that in his 1955 book "Pawns of the Game" (p. XV): "World War III is to be fomented by using the differences the agents of the Illuminati (the sect controlling the world revolutionary movement) stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Muslim world... (they) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually, and economic-ally." World War III would then have set up the stage for the coming of the Antichrist. 3) The campaign against the natural Law of God. This is exemplified by the homosexual movement whose last aberration is to claim the right to "marriage" (see Fr. Violette's letter, (p.4). Yes we can cry...

But we can also cheer! Indeed, we only have to: 1) Remember the great legacy given us by Archbishop Lefebvre and by St. Pius X (of whom we celebrate the hundredth anniversary of his being elected Pope on August 4th 1903); 2) Look at those who consecrate their lives to Almighty God, and at these good Catholics who unite to form faithful households.

I had the joy to witness both when I went for the Ordinations at Winona, and later on when I blessed the marriage of Terence Gleeson (teacher in Calgary) with Christina Persian (originally from Winnipeg). Moreover I learn that Miss Agnes Roy and Miss Marie-Therese Roy (both from Levis, Quebec) will soon join the Dominican Sisters of Fanjeaux, France. Mr. Joseph Stannus (Ottawa, Ont.) will go to the Benedictines of Bellaigue, France. We also have 4 Seminarians studying in the USA since the last 3-4 years. All these vocations and these staunch catholic families are brought up not only by our prayers, but also by the relentless efforts of good parents, teachers, nuns, brothers, and priests, who all try to find as many ways as possible to rebuild Christendom through the catholic bringing up of children. An example of that are the youth Camps and the care to embellish the Temple of God (read the articles of Fr. Boulet, and Joseph and Melissa Green pp.16 - 20). So we must be aware of what is going on, but never allow the tears to hinder our cheering up. Sursum Corda!




1) Mrs. Marie-Lina Cyr (Montreal, Quebec) was the first one to provide us with the "moral" of the tale (issue #15), so we sent her a $10.00 check. The moral was: It took a lot of courage and work for the lone sailor to cross the sea in his little boat, which was almost crushed by the big cruise ship full of vacationing people. After being a bit mad at the crowds, who had mocked him, he was happy to have survived the ordeal and waved at the people, forgiving them. This situation is similar to what's happening to the little boat of Tradition, versus the crowded ship of the Novus Ordo Church. Congratulations Mrs. Cyr!!!

2) We take the opportunity here to thank heartily Rev. Fr. Yves Le Roux who is leaving Holy Family School of Levis after eight years of a highly dedicated and efficient work there. He is now directing the Seminary of Winona (USA). H.E. Bishop Williamson is now heading our Argentinean Seminary (we thank him also very much for his 20 years of tremendous work in North America). The new Rector of our school in Levis is Rev. Fr. Jean de I'Estourbeillon. To the three of them, and to the two European SSPX Oblates that are coming to help in Levis, we wish the best, and we assure them of our prayers.

3) Sadly, but as was to be expected since Vatican II, the Trappists Monks of OKA (near Montreal) are selling their 122 years old Monastery. There are now only 31 monks, half of whom are more than 70 years old. They cannot maintain anymore that big monastery built for 175 monks.

4) So far nobody complained about issue 16 being late. Either you're patient, either you didn't notice. Anyway. The truth is the old leftover material we were working with gave up its last glitch. Thanks to a $2000.00 donation, we were able to buy a new computer, monitor, scanner, printer etc. Thanks be to God, because otherwise Communicantes was Kaput. I let you imagine the time spent in having all that running properly... and I wish you will never have to do it. ←


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