
"Communicantes Christi passionibus" I Petr:13
"Taking part in the sufferings of Christ"

Official Bulletin of the
Society of St. Pius X
For Canada


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No. 16 of a New Series
July - September 2003


Editorial: Amidst Tears and Cheers
By Rev. Fr. P. Girouard SSPX

From the District Office... When Man Wants "To Be Like God"
By Rev. Fr. J. Violette SSPX, District Superior

Inscription Form for the Rosary Crusade

Is Anti-Christ Coming?
By Rev. Fr. E. Herkel SSPX

A Farsighted Priest: Brief Biographical Sketch of Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson
By Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Herkel SSPX

The Tale of 2 Cities in the Hot Summer of British Columbia
By Fr. D. Boulet SSPX

Girls Camp: July 7-12,2003
By Mrs. M. Green

Boys Camp: July 21-26, 2003
By Mr. J. Green

The Rosary Crusade Clarion: A Body Without Soul?
By Rev. Fr. E. Herkel SSPX

Those Who Truly Live, the Saints
By Mr. Roger Zielke

At the Tail, a Tale to Tell: A Great Teacher's Method
An essay by Samuel H. Scudder

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