
July - September 2006, No. 5
Cover Story
The_New_World_Order: The Revolution Continues
By Patricia MacLean


Patricia MacLean


It started in the Garden of Eden. France was transformed by it. Russia has not recovered from it. Nation upon nation continues to succumb to its false allurements. Popes have proclaimed against it. George Orwell wrote about it. The Beatles sang about it. Our Lady warned about it. Today, masses of men yearn for it on a worldwide scale. What is it? It is the rebellion of man against God. It is what we call ‘revolution’. Its modern form is called Communism. That it is a revolution aimed at the usurpation of the authority of God in the temporal sphere has been acknowledged by Pope Pius XI in his encyclical on Atheistic Communism: ... “the struggle between good and evil remained in the world as a sad legacy of the original fall. Nor has the ancient tempter ever ceased to deceive mankind with false promises. It is on this account that one convulsion following upon another has marked the passage of the centuries, down to the revolution of our own days. This modern revolution, it may be said, has actually broken out or threatens everywhere, and it exceeds in amplitude and violence anything yet experienced in the preceding persecutions launched against the Church ... This all too imminent danger … is … atheistic communism, which aims at upsetting the social order and at undermining the very foundations of Christian civilization.”1 Our Lady, on July 13, 1917, at Fatima, relayed a message to, first, the Church hierarchy, and second, to the faithful, through three innocents:

“I come to ask the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart ... If they listen to my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she (Russia) will scatter her errors through the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church.”2 In reference to the errors that Russia would scatter throughout the world, we must determine that our Lady was referring to Communism. The main error that Russia has had to offer the world, since 1917, has been atheistic Communism, and we can see there are wars and persecutions almost everywhere. This means the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart remains undone in accordance with the manner requested by our Lady.

What follows in this article will be an attempt to develop the thesis that Communism remains an active force for change on a world scale and, in fact, has continued to spread throughout the world even after the dramatic fall of the Berlin Wall. Further, it will profile the ideological fallacies surrounding Communism as well as discuss its means of advancement through the infiltration of our educational systems, legal systems and the Catholic Church, from examples that have been gleaned from an array of publications. First, however, we will begin with a description of a Catholic state, the anti-thesis of an atheistic world state.



A Catholic state is one that understands and operates in accordance with the principle of man’s existence. The simple answer to a primary catechism question unlocks the mystery of what constitutes the principle of man’s existence: “Why did God make you?  God made me to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him for ever in Heaven.”3 Thus, the importance of a true Catholic state that endeavors to propagate a knowledge of God, to foster a love of God and to encourage service to be rendered to God in the temporal sphere by its citizens in order that they may gain the necessary graces to grow spiritually in this world and, thereby, to obtain everlasting life with God in the next world. Father Denis Fahey described the true responsibility of the State, as follows: “The State must look after roads and railways, treaties regarding imports and exports and such like. That however, is not its whole domain. Its principle care must be to combat with all its might everything that tends to lower the moral dignity of man, everything that is an obstacle to his reaching eternal happiness…4

In addition, as the State must be ordered to the eternal end of man, its rulers must, in turn, bear personal responsibility for the way they used their power with regard to the eternal end of man. Father Fahey elaborates on this point, as follows:

“Our Lord reserves to Himself the right of pronouncing final judgment on the Last Day on the civil administration of all earthly rulers as well as on their attitude to the supernatural order.”5



2.1-A Would-be “Paradise” on Earth, and an Atheistic one at that!

Communism promises a Paradise on Earth through the ‘Dictatorship of the Proletariat’. It is to say an ideal world, where everybody would be free, equal, and brotherly. A world where there would not anymore be social stratifications, neither rich nor poor people. It would be a world where everybody would have access to education, health care, and to the wealth produced by the collective effort; a world free from the tyranny of religion and social elites. We will see further on what this dream becomes in the communist countries… Let us now try to find a definition of Communism… Cardinal Cushing, former Archbishop of Boston will give it to us: “Literally it means the common ownership of all material goods:  No private, individual ownership of wealth, property or productive goods. It is based on a world view called ‘dialectical materialism’, which seeks to interpret the world as coming into being without God and to prove that He does not exist.”6

Svetlana Alliluyeva

A human-scale answer to define the essence of Communism is endless, and filled with the misery of those forced to live within its ideological and territorial confines. The only daughter of Josef Stalin, Svetlana, for instance, lived a materially comfortable life in that land rife with vast deprivation and stark horrors, Soviet Russia. It is telling that the daughter of a prominent communist should be described as outwardly fortunate, inwardly tormented.7 Svetlana’s father ruthlessly reigned for 29 years as a Communist dictator in Russia; tens of millions of individuals perished during his reign. Despite the material comforts inherited by the daughter of a former Communist dictator, Soviet Russia became for Svetlana a land that she could not tolerate. This disaffection with the deceit rampant in her homeland leads to her defection, in 1967, to the United States of America, where she publicly denounced Soviet Russia, as follows:

“There is no liberty there. The elections are just a mockery. Only one candidate is put up for each office. You people can’t imagine what Russia is really like. When you go as a tourist or as a government guest, the real life is not shown to you.  You only see what they want you to see.”8

In the workers’ paradise, there is no liberty? Then, what is the point of Communism, if not to liberate the masses from the shackles of authority? In reality, it means the liberation from truth, the truth of God. The ultimate objective of Communism is to ensnare as many souls as possible in a hateful doctrine riddled with mockeries and lies for the purpose of usurping the authority of God in the temporal sphere. The true leaders of Communism, a coterie of Internationalists, are not atheists themselves. In fact, they believe in God, but they hate Him and His Church. Pope Pius XI alludes to the existence of such a group in his encyclical on Atheistic Communism, wherein His Holiness spoke of a conspiracy of silence that has worked to suppress exposure of Communist atrocities:

“This silence . . . is favored by various occult forces which for a long time have been working for the overthrow of the Christian Social Order.”9

It is interesting to note, at this point, some references to the belief system of Karl Marx, the father of Communism, relayed by Deirdre Manifold, in her book, “Karl Marx: A Prophet of Our Times:

. . . light on this subject may be got from a letter written to Karl by his son on March 31, 1854. It begins with the startling words:  ‘My dear devil.’ Who has ever known of a son addressing his father like this? Yet that is how a Satanist writes to his beloved one. Also significant is a letter addressed by his wife to Karl in August 1844: ‘Your last pastoral letter, high priest and bishop of souls, has again given quiet and peace to your poor sheep.’ . . . his wife refers to him as high priest and bishop.  Of what religion? The only European religion which has high priests is the Satanist one.”10

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, authors of the Manifesto of the Communist Party, the document that launched Communism, confirmed the position of Communism in relation to religion as it is to be held by the sad masses of men who adhere to this ideological fury, in their manifesto, as such:

“. . . Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality . . .”11

Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Gorbachev

In 1986, Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party’s Central Committee, sanctioned the atheistic character of Communism at the closing of the meeting of the 27th Party Congress, wherein he is recorded as having stated the following:

“The inner sources of Soviet patriotism are in the social system, in our humanistic ideology . . . Our education will be all the more productive, the more vigorously the ideals, principles and values of the new society are asserted . . . in the entire sphere of ideological, political, labor, moral, and atheistic education.”12

The irreligious nature of Communism was related by Father Vladimir Kozina, in his booklet, Communism As I Know It. Father Kozina quoted the statement of a Communist as recorded in a Slovenian daily, Ljudska Pravica, published on February 16, 1952:

“We Communists have our own doctrine, which opposes faith, opposes every religion. The normal relation between Marxism and Religion is battle. In this war, our purpose is the DEATH OF RELIGION.13

2.2-Communism Persecutes the Church

Our Lady foretold of the persecutions of the Church. The Black Book of Communism provided a number of examples of these persecutions, one such read as follows:

“In May 1948, with the arrest of ninety-two priests, it was the turn of the Roman Catholic Church, which had 1,250,000 followers in Romania, to undergo repression. The government closed all the Catholic schools and nationalized the religious charities and medical centers. In June 1949 several Roman Catholic bishops were arrested, and the following month all monastic orders were banned. Repressions culminated in September 1951 with a large trial in Bucharest in which several bishops and eminent lay figures were convicted of ‘espionage’.”14

Fr. Vladimir Kozina
Fr. Vladimir Kozina

Father Kozina brought to our attention in his booklet, Communism As I Know It, a comparative reference on the extent of Communist persecutions, under a single Communist dictator, of the faithful:

“During the five-year Communist revolution in Yugoslavia, Tito killed as many Christians as all the Roman persecutors together in 200 years.”15

The infernal fury that Communists unleashed during the Spanish civil war is telling in its targets as noted in the book, Catholic Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War: 1936 – 1939:

“The chief target of the revolutionaries was not wealthy capitalists nor even persons known or thought to be associated with the military rising, but the Catholic Church . . . In all, 6,549 priests and 283 nuns were martyred, many in the most classic circumstances of martyrdom, when they were offered life if they renounced their faith and death if they upheld it.”16

While the infernal fury of Communism hurls its insults at our Lady and Her Son, the vengeance of God begins to unfold His eternal justice in the temporal sphere as this example from the Spanish civil war demonstrates:

“The hermitages were turned into schools, and the vicarage into a Marxist centre. The Holy Sacrament was profaned, but no one knows what happened to it. At their orgies, they sacrilegiously drank wine out of the holy vessels. A large marble statue of Christ had it mouth destroyed by hammer blows and the legs knocked off. During the profanation of the hermitage of Jesús Nazareno, there occurred two frightening events that shook the entire population. One of the profaners said to Our Sorrowing Lady: ‘Aren’t you going to weep for your Son now?’ A few days later, abandoned by all and riddled with worms, he was found dead by the roadside. Another perpetrator of sacrilege who proclaimed and carried out acts of infamy to an image of Jesús Nazareno, died at the front, machine-gunned in his private parts.”17

Those in the western media who have been confounded by an international political establishment that appears to give the imprimatur to authoritarian government, would be less confounded if they were to read and believe the words of our Lady given at La Salette, in 1846: “All the civil governments will have one and the same plan, which will be to abolish and do away with every religious principle, to make way for materialism, atheism, spiritualism and vice of all kinds.”18




1. Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XI on Atheistic Communism, St. Paul Editions, March 1937, pp 3-4

2. William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of Fátima, Image Books, 1954, pp. 81-82

3. Baltimore Catechism No. 1: Prepared and Enjoined by Order of The Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1977, p. 5

4. Denis Fahey, D.D., The Social Rights of Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ The King, Christian Book Club of America, first published 1932, reprinted 1990, p. 116

5. Denis Fahey, D.D., The Kingship of Christ According to the Principles of St. Thomas Aquinas, Christian Book Club of America, first published 1931, reprinted 1990, pp. 26-27

6. Richard Cardinal Cushing, Question and Answers on Communism, 3rd Edition, St. Paul Editions, 1961, p. 11

7. Svetlana Alliluyeva, twenty letters to a Friend, Harper & Row, 1967, 1st edition, dust-jacket

8. Marvin H. Zim, Her Journey of No Return, Life, March 24, 1967, p. 66

9. Encyclical of Pope Pius XI on Atheistic Communism, Divini Redemptoris, March 19, 1937, St. Paul Editions, p. 14

10. Deirdre Manifold, Karl Marx: A Prophet of Our Times, G.S.G. & Associates, 1989, pp 40 – 41

11. K. Marx and F. Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1973, p. 73

12. Mikhail Gorbachev, Political Report of the CPSU Central Committee to the 27th Party Congress, Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, Moscow, 1986, p. 111

13. Father Vladimir Kozina, Communism As I Know It, C & W Press, 5th Edition, 1985, p. 4

14. Stéphane Courtois et al, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1999, p. 413

15. Father Vladimir Kozina, Communism As I Know It, C & W Press, 5th Edition, 1985, p. 28

16. Fray Justo Perez de Urbel, Catholic Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War: 1936 – 1939, Angelus Press, 1993, quote taken from inside of back cover – commentary of Dr. Warren H. Carroll

17. Fray Justo Perez de Urbel, Catholic Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War: 1936 – 1939, Angelus Press, 1993, pp. 190 – 191

18. Apparition of the Blessed Virgin on the Mountain at La Salette the 19th September, 1846, Gregorian Press, Most Holy Family Monastery, p. 14