Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Handbook
of the Eucharistic Crusade

Canadian edition, 1954 By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. &  Jean Laramée, s.j.


Part II: The Ardent Life of the Crusade:

c) The Queen of the Crusade

You recognized her right away, I am sure. Of course, it is she. It is always of her we think when we speak of a queen, a mother; of purity, of a lily, of whiteness.

And I ask you, did you ever hear of a crusade without a queen? a family without a mother?

So the Crusade gives you a gift: it gives you a mother, the same one who brought up the Infant Jesus. What have you done for her up to now? What do you do for her every day?

You have no idea? I shall ask you some questions. Answer in your heart, and if you feel yourself blushing, well! Make some resolutions.

You say that you love the Blessed Virgin Does your love consist only in having her picture in your room?

How many times a week do you say your beads? How many decades each day?

You are a member of the Apostleship of Prayer. Do you think now and then of the Our Father and ten Hail Marys that those who belong to the second degree are supposed to say?

You say that, you love her. Do you wear her scapular medal or carry her beads with you?

When you really love someone, you try to imitate that person. Look at, her: the Blessed Virgin, at your age (ten, twelve or sixteen). See how modest she is, how pure, how resolute in her bearing, how reserved. Does she allow her- self to be pushed about or even touched by any rude boy who passes? ...How she respects her body and those of others!

O my Queen, O my Mother, remember that I belong to you; protect me, defend me as your very own. Amen.

To be continued…


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