Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Handbook
of the Eucharistic Crusade

Canadian edition, 1954
By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. &  Jean Laramée, s.j.


Part II: The Ardent Life of the Crusade:

THIRD LAW : The Crusader has the spirit of sacrifice, especially in fulfilling perfectly the duties of his state of life.

Each morning: Begin your day by a real sacrifice: your offering, on your knees, as soon as you awake.

During the day: Prolong your morning sacrifice by looking for things to do, things which cost something.

Do this in order to make reparation along with the Sacred Heart.

            Your body: deprive yourself of luxuries, etc.

            Your will: obey no matter what it costs, etc.

            Your self-love: accept a reproach without taking offence, etc.

Remember that the best sacrifices are those that one makes with a great deal of love; those that one makes through obedience or charity; those concerned with one's predominant faults; those which have to do with the duties of one's state of life.

Each evening: End your day with a real sacrifice: mark your Treasury, and make your night offering on your knees.

Before Communion (following from the January issue):

3. Act of Faith.- Jesus, God made man, -who were born in a stable and died on a Cross- through love for me,-I do not see Thee in this small white Host-which the priest will place on my tongue;-yet I believe as if 1 saw it- that Thou are there entirely,-as Thou are in heaven.- Thou call me to you.-as Thou once used to call the children of Palestine,-to help me to become a good Crusader .

4. Act of contrition.- Jesus, so great, so powerful,-Thou made all things from nothing, -and yet Thou are so good,-I am so little, weak, and I have been bad so often.-I have caused Thee much sorrow by my sins.-I am very sorry-and I promise Thee not to sin any more-and to obey Thee always.

5. Act of love. - Jesus,-no one is as good, as lovable as Thou are,-no one loves me as Thou do,-no one is as good to me as Thou are.

I love Thee too;-I want to love Thee more and more,-to please Thee and help Thee to save souls.

6. Act of desire.-Jesus, Thou desire so much to come into my heart-to show me Thy love-and to help me to become good, pure, humble, obedient as Thou art. I also desire to receive Thee to tell Thee how much I love Thee -and to obtain strength to please Thee-and to become a true Crusader.

To be continued…


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