Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Handbook
of the Eucharistic Crusade

Canadian edition, 1954
By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. &  Jean Laramée, s.j.

 crusader pin

Part II: The Ardent Life of the Crusade:

FOURTH LAW: The Crusader carries out the duties of his apostolate in his own surroundings, that is, among his schoolmates and his family.

An Apostle by Prayer, you will be such if you are faithful to the obligations of the three degrees of the Apostleship of Prayer. An Apostle by good example: You will be such if you are faithful to the code of the Crusader. An Apostle by the good influence that you can exercise on those about you, on your school- fe1lows and your family. You wi1l be such - but it is more difficult - by proclaiming God abroad (by advertising for God), by making Him loved more either by your actions, or your words.

Examples (Listen to the Holy Ghost and you wi1l discover better ways):

Get your parents, brothers and school-fe1lows to receive communion oftener; Persuade your family to recite night prayers, in common; the beads, the Angelus; Place a picture of the Sacred Heart near the entrance of the rooms, a crucifix within them; Bring about assistance at High Mass and at Vespers, on Sunday; Fight energetica1ly against blasphemy and all bad conversations; (For young girls) Exact decency in dress; Contribute to the good spirit in your class; Get others to read good books; Get someone to forgive, etc.

Be an apostle always by good example.


After Holy Communion (following from the February issue):

Jesus is in your heart. He can do all things, and He loves you. Talk to Him as a child talks to his father and his mother. Tell Him: "Thank You." Say to Him often: "Jesus, I love Thee; Jesus, forgive me; Jesus make me a good Crusader; one who likes to go to Communion, to pray, to make sacrifices to please Thee and save souls."

To be continued…


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