Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Handbook
of the Eucharistic Crusade

Canadian edition, 1954
By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. &  Jean Laramée, s.j.


Part II: The Ardent Life

SECOND LAW : The Crusader has a passionate love for the Eucharist
You are going to pray always. How?

Each morning : On rising, after your offering made on your knees, avoid speaking and distraction. Think quietly of Jesus whom you are going to receive. If you cannot go to sacramental Communion, tell Jesus that you would receive Him if you could.

During the Mass offer to God: Your whole self in union with Our Lord; your prayer united to the prayer of Our Lord; your sacrifices united to the sacrifice of Our Lord.

During your thanksgiving (which lasts a quarter of an hour), speak quietly to Our Lord by making acts of adoration, thanksgiving, of petition, of oblation, and by making resolutions. If you do not know how to pray any longer: read in your missal the prayers after Communion.

During the day: Prolong your morning Communion by recalling often that Our Lord offers Himself continually (four times a second) on the altar; and unite your offering to His. When you pass a church, make a short visit: at least greet Our Lord present in the tabernacle. Make a remote preparation for your Communion tomorrow by some real sacrifices.

Before Communion

I. Prayer.-O Mary, my good Mother, Thou Who love Jesus and who love me so much,- help me to make a good Communion,-so that Jesus will be pleased.-so that I may love Him more and more,-and may give Him many souls.

2. Intention. - Today. I desire to receive Holy Communion:

To please Jesus, to console Him for the pain caused Him by those who receive Him badly or who do not receive Him at all;
To bring it to pass that Jesus may live in me more and more, and that I may live His divine life, the life of grace;
To correct my faults and to acquire the virtues of a good Crusader;
To obtain this favour that Jesus may be loved by all: my family, my benefactors, my parish, my diocese, my country;
To have it come about that Jesus should rule over schismatics, heretics, Jews, Mohammedans, pagans;
For the agonizing, and the souls in Purgatory; For the Pope, the bishops. the priests;
For the Crusade and all the children of the world.

To be continued


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