Eucharistic Crusade



Dear crusaders,

During the Holy Week, early this month, we will be celebrating the Passion of Our Lord. There will be some beautiful ceremonies at church, and I really hope that you will be able to attend.

The whole life of Christ was one of sacrifice. From the time of His birth in a poor stable till the hour of Calvary, He continually kept offering Himself to His heavenly Father. The men that saw Him did not realize who He was. On the contrary, they treated him badly and made Him to suffer so much. On Good Friday, as we remember the Passion of Our Lord, we will remind the words of St. John: “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.”

Many times, Jesus gave an example of kindness towards the poor and the sick people. Moreover, He came to show the example of what we should do to please God and get to heaven: sacrifice. Sacrifice is more beautiful than ordinary prayer. Because He loved the Father so much, Jesus wanted to offer to Him nothing but the best: the gift of His life in sacrifice. Because Jesus loves us so much, He also offered His life in sacrifice to make up for our sins.

That is why; a true Crusader should follow the example of Jesus, and find many occasions to do sacrifices out of love, at the example of his master. Let me remind you that a sacrifice is something that costs, and that we offer to someone we love. You want to do something that will really please Jesus: every day, do sacrifices that will help souls to get to heaven.

You may wonder if your little sacrifices can really do something to help Jesus to save souls. Yes they can, but only if you unite them with the great sacrifice of Jesus. This is what you should do during the Mass: offer your little sacrifices in union with the sacrifice of the Cross being renewed on the altar.
Here is the program of the Eucharistic Crusade: always to please God, and help to save souls.

Father Dominique Boulet


  • On April 1, I said the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
St. Pius X Priory,
905 Rang. St. Matthieu
Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 6T5
Fax: (819) 537-6562

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