Eucharistic Crusade

Overview Magazine Intentions
  Mass Centres
  Precious Blood
 Superior's Ltrs
 General's Ltrs
  Rosary Clarion
  For the Clergy
  Coast to Coast
The Guardian of Crusaders
Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Canada

current year  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011

                                        December 2007

Editorial A Christmas Gift
The Story of St. Syncletica, Virgin
Word Find
Intentions for the Month of December
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks
Crosses and Roses
Treasure Chart Results for September 2007

                                        November 2007

Editorial How to help the souls in purgatory?
True First Communion Stories Little Cyril
Word Find
Intentions for the Month of November
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks
The Book
Treasure Chart Results for August 2007

                                        October 2007

Editorial The Power of the Rosary
Our Lady of La Salette
Intentions for the Month of October
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks
The Power of the Rosary
Treasure Chart Results for July 2007

                                        September 2007

Editorial King David
The Story of St. Lucy, Martyr
  Word Search
Intentions for the Month of September
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks
The Two Banners
Treasure Chart Results for May and June 2007

                    July-August 2007

Editorial How to spend good summer vacations
The Priest and the Child Jesus
Intentions for the Month of July
Intentions for the Month of August
  How to use and fill your Eucharistic Crusade Treasure sheet
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks
The Crucifix And The Mass
Treasure Chart Results for April 2007

                                        June 2007

Editorial Jesus, Master of Souls
The Martyrdom of Blessed John Forest
Word Search
Intentions for the Month of June
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks
The Sacred Heart Of Montmarte, Paris
Treasure Chart Results

                                        May 2007

Editorial Anniversary of the Eucharistic Crusade
Our Lady Of Walcourt
Intentions for the Month of May
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks
Miracles of the Rosary
Consecration Renewal
Treasure Chart Results

                                        April 2007

Editorial Sacrifice!
Faithful Catholic Children Poor Little Joseph
Word Search
Intentions for the Month of April
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks
Love Jesus Crucified
Handbook Excerpts

                                        March 2007

Editorial Sacrifices for Lent
Saint Germaine
Word Search
Intentions for the Month of March
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks
The Spider
Treasure Chart Results

                                        February 2007

Editorial Light for the Pagans
The Story of St. Peter Balsam, Martyr
Intentions for the Month of February
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks
Willy and the Crooked Tree
Treasure Chart Results

                                        January 2007

Editorial The Nativity Sets
The Story of the Three Kings
Word Search
Intentions for the Month of January
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks
Treasure Chart Results


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