Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People

The Sacred Heart Of Montmarte, Paris

During the 1800’s, the Prussian army had marched into Paris. Wars are a punishment for sin, and the people of France knew that they were being punished by the good God. But God was also watching from Heaven, to see if the French would turn to Him for help, by praying and doing penance.

And the French people did turn to God. They prayed to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; and said: “It is the Sacred Heart of Jesus which will save us. Let us make a National vow to His Sacred Heart.” They made a promise to build a huge church in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The people of France were sorry that they had offended God. They realised that they had wounded the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so they offered to build a beautiful church; in reparation for their sins.

But where were they going to build this church? There was a big hill in Paris, where in the past, St. Denis and his friends had been martyred. This hill was “Montmartre” or in English, the “Hill of Martyrs”. The people of Paris decided to build the church on this hill, where all could see it.

Remember too, that many years before this war; the Sacred Heart of Jesus had appeared to St. Margaret Mary. The people knew that Jesus had shown His great love to the people of France, and to the world, by appearing to this nun, for He had promised to save Catholics, if they would make the Nine First Fridays of each month, in reparation to His Sacred Heart.

Priests asked people to give money for the building of this great church. And the people did give money; people from all over France helped to build this beautiful church in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Even St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, donated her bracelet to help build the church.

In time the church was finished. It looked beautiful, with its white dome pointing up to the blue sky. White stairs were built up to the church to make it easier for the people to walk into the church. And on the wall in the church there is a beautiful mosaic picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with His arms outstretched.

Last of all, at the main entrance to the church, there is a plaque, with words in letters of gold. On the plaque is written: “Devoted and Repentant France, to Christ and His Sacred Heart”.

So remember, this story, and when you sin, turn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and ask Him to help you become a saint, and do penance for your sins. Make little sacrifices and Jesus will see you and He will bless your efforts.

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