Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People

Crosses and Roses

Life is a string of trials and pleasures—but, you must expect this. The trials are crosses and the pleasures are roses. There is not one person living, who does not have trials. Even little babies have trials; when they get hungry, too warm or too cold, they cry out. That is a trial for them, even though they don’t understand what is happening.

And the Baby Jesus had trials too—He was born in a cave, which was used as a stable for cattle, sheep and other animals. It was smelly and unclean and yet that is where the Child Jesus wished to be born. When He was laid in the manger, the hay was uncomfortable to sleep on—He didn’t have a soft bed like you do. The wind would blow into the cave and cause it to be cold. The ox would moo and the sheep would baa, and that too was a trial for the little Jesus; for it may have kept Him awake at times.

And just think of His parents; Mary, and Joseph. They also had trials. They both had to leave without taking many belongings, when they travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem. They were tired and couldn’t find an inn to stay at when they arrived in Bethlehem. When they finally got settled in the stable, they had no running water, no stove or wash machine, like you do! And they had no refrigerator full of food, like you do! But they did not complain—they accepted all these trials from the hand of the good God.

You have to do the same. During your life you will have trials and pleasures. Your mother might give you broccoli or spinach to eat, or maybe some turnips. God made this food and it is good for you; even if you don’t like it! Your parents tell you to go to bed at 8:00 pm so that you can get a good night’s sleep; which you need. You have to stop playing your favourite game in order to go and clean up your room. You have to say the Rosary after supper with the rest of the family; even though you would rather play with your friends. The list could go on and on.

But there are roses in life too. When you fall and scrape your knee, your mother bandages your wound and gives you a kiss. Your Daddy buys you a new toy, when it isn’t even your birthday. Your baby sister or brother makes you laugh when you play with them. You have ice cream on a hot summer day. God answers one of your prayers, after you have begged Him over a year for a special grace. And this list could go on and on.

So you see, perhaps the best way to look at life is to remember that when you have a cross, in time you will get a rose. And when you get a rose, in time you will get another cross. God does this to test you—to see if you will be faithful to Him—to see if you truly love Him! So, be brave! Think of the trials of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and it will help you to bear your own trials. Pray to Jesus, Mary and Joseph throughout the day; begging them to help you with your trials, and always thank them for the crosses and the roses!

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