Eucharistic Crusade


How to help the souls in purgatory?

Dear crusaders,

As you know, this month of November is dedicated to the souls in purgatory. You may pay some visits to the cemetery to pray for the dead; but, if you have a chance to attend Mass on All Souls Day (November 2), do not miss it. This year, moreover, All Souls Day’ will be also the first Friday of the month.
Let me give you a true story to tell you about the great power of the holy sacrifice of the Mass to release souls from purgatory.
In the life of Blessed Henry Suso, we read that he and a fellow religious brother had made a promise to each other, so that when the first of them would die, the other one would offer Mass twice a week for the repose of his soul.
So, it happened that Henry’s companion was the first one to die. But, by then Henry was so loaded with other mass requests that he neglected to fulfill his promise. However, he tried to make up by doing extra fasting and penances for the soul of the departed.
One day, Henry had a vision of purgatory, where he saw that all his sacrifices could not make up for the missing Masses due to his departed friend.
Thus Henry requested to be freed from the other Mass requests, to be able to fulfill his promise. Shortly after, Henry could witness that his friend’s soul had entered into heaven.
Let us never forget to have Mass celebrated for the souls of the departed!

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On October 14, I said Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
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