Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People


One mild March morning, in Florida, ten little spiders were born.  They were a happy bunch of little spiders and they all played together as their mother watched over them.  She taught them how to spin webs and how to catch flies for their food.

As the days went by, the little spiders grew bigger and bigger.  When July rolled around, their mother told them that they had to go and live by themselves, as they were now grown up.  They all went their different ways, and one spider named Jerry, decided to make his home in a big, old orange tree that was near the garden.

The first thing he did was to look for a large crack in the tree, where he could live, and be sheltered from the cold and rain.  Then he went to a high branch and dropped himself down on a long thread.  After that he jumped from branch to branch weaving a most beautiful web.  He thought his mother would be proud of him if she was to see his fine web, and he thought that one day, he would bring her over to the orange tree and show her.

Jerry caught many flies in his web, for it was a very big web indeed, and he grew bigger and bigger as the days passed.  He was never for want of food.  This was the life he thought!

One October day Jerry was in a very grouchy mood.  The sun did not shine all day, and not one fly came to land in his web.  Actually there was a wind and it was blowing all the flies away.  The next day, Jerry was even grouchier as he didn't catch any flies then either.

So in order to pass the time, he looked over his web, to see if everything was in order.  He pulled on all the threads; everything was strong and in its place.  He continued looking around and suddenly he noticed that one thread went straight up into the air.  "What is that thread doing way up there?  I see no use for it!" he grumbled. 

He had long since forgotten that he had spun that thread months before, when he had first made his web.  So with one fierce bite, he bit the thread, "Away with you!" he said.  At the same moment the spider web collapsed, and Jerry tumbled to the ground.  The web was wrapped all around his head like a wet rag.  Only then did he realize that in his anger, he had forgotten to think.  Only then did he realize that he needed that thread.

So you see; it is better not to get angry.  When you do, you are more apt to say or do the wrong thing, because you are not thinking right.  You are going more by your feelings, and forgetting to use your brain.  God gave you a brain to use, and He wants you to use it well.  And especially, He does not want you to get angry, because you sin and offend Him by doing so.  Ask Jesus and Mary to help you always stay calm, especially when it's hard.

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