Eucharistic Crusade
The Priest and the Child Jesus

Many years ago, Scotland used to be a very Catholic country, but after the Protestant Reformation (16th Century), many Catholics left the Catholic Church because they were told that the Catholic Church was not good and that Catholic Priests were bad; a terrible thing to say. And many Catholics were martyred because they wanted to remain Catholic!

In the 1800’s, many of the people in Scotland converted back to the Catholic Faith; thanks to the hard work of many good Bishops and Priests. But in some cases it took a lot more energy and effort, and prayers and sacrifices to convert the people.

There was a poor priest named Fr. McDonald who was living in Scotland.  Very few people would come to his church, so he didn’t get very much money. He sold roses from his garden and honey from his beehives, and with this extra money he was able to survive.

Every day he used to kneel for two hours before the Blessed Sacrament and beg the Infant Jesus to convert the people of his parish. He said the fifteen decades of the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross, and he would often pray: “Little Jesus, please convert my people. And if You convert the little children, then their prayers will help to convert their parents. I know You understand my dear Jesus and I place all my confidence in You and Your dear sweet Mother; Mary.”

Fr. McDonald also did a lot of penance to convert his people: he ate only bread and water on Tuesdays and Fridays, he slept on the hard floor every night, he wore no hat in the cold winter or hot summer, he ate turnips and parsnips every day; because he didn’t like the taste of these vegetables, and he never drank coffee, which he loved; only tea or milk.

Monday to Saturday, from June to August, the old priest would walk to the market place and sell his beautiful roses, and in the fall he would go there to sell his honey. Often he would stop to talk to the children, but they only ignored him and carried on playing their games.

       On Saturdays he made honey cakes, and offered them for free to the children at the market place. But the children only ignored the good priest and said to each other, “The priest probably put vinegar in those cakes, just to make us do penance for our sins! Don’t taste any cakes!”

Fr. McDonald felt very sad when he heard the children say these words. He prayed for the children and their parents, repeating the words Our Lord said from the Cross—“Father forgive them for they know not what they do!”

       On Saturday afternoons, the Child Jesus would come to visit the aged priest, and they would take turns playing the old organ in the church. First, little Jesus would play the organ and then Fr. McDonald would play the organ, and sometimes they would sing as they played.

Little Jesus loved to play ‘Ave Maria’ and other songs to Our Lady and St. Joseph, and the priest loved to play the parts from the Mass. Some of the stops didn’t work on the old organ and some keys were out of tune, but the old priest did his best to make the organ sound beautiful. However, when the Child Jesus played the organ, everything worked fine and the music sounded heavenly.

  One Saturday, three children decided to walk by the church on their way to the river. Phillip, Kathy, and Agnes were going to watch the big boats going up and down the river, as they had done so often before. When they passed the church they heard the beautiful music, and stopped to listen. The Child Jesus was playing the organ at the time and the music sounded very heavenly. Kathy was just itching to enter the church.          

Just then the old priest started playing the organ and the music did not sound as sweet. They listened for a while and suddenly the organ music sounded heavenly again. Kathy said, “I wonder why the organ music sounds beautiful sometimes and not so beautiful at other times?”

“I don’t know,” replied Phillip. That is a mystery, isn’t it?”

“Well, I’m going in to find out!” Kathy declared, and before anyone could stop her, she dashed in and tiptoed up to the choir loft.

“We can’t leave her go in there by herself,” cried Phillip. “We’ve got to follow her and see what happens.” So Phillip and Agnes tiptoed up the stairs to the choir loft to find out about the mysterious organ.

When the two arrived, their jaws fell open, as they stared in wonder. Kathy was already staring in wonder at the awesome sight. The Child Jesus was playing ‘Ave Maria’ on the organ and the priest was looking at Jesus. And little Jesus was singing at the same time. His garment was as white as snow and his hair was all golden curls. A halo was around the head of the Child Jesus and His voice was like that of an angel!

Suddenly the priest and the Child Jesus turned around. The priest then said, “How good of you to come, my dear children. Won’t you stay awhile and then come to my house for some tea and honey cakes?”

The children all smiled and nodded their heads. Finally Kathy spoke up, “Who is that little boy? And how come the organ sounds beautiful sometimes and at other times, not so beautiful?”

“Well, my dear children,” said the priest, “this Boy is the Child Jesus and the organ sounds beautiful when the Child Jesus plays it, and not so beautiful when I play it. You see, it’s an old organ, and some parts of it don’t work very well. But when the Child Jesus plays the organ, He makes sure it works perfectly!”

“How kind of Him to do so,” put in Phillip. “I wish I could play the organ like He does, but I’ve never taken any lessons!”

Then little Jesus got off the bench, walked up to Phillip, and put His arm around the boy. “If you really want to play the organ like I do, then come and sit beside Me, and I will show you how to play.”

Even though Phillip knew nothing about playing an organ, when the Child Jesus showed him how to play, and explained about the stops and sounds the organ made, everything became clear to him. It was as though he had been playing the organ for twenty years. The other children sat down beside the priest and listened in awe, as their older brother played ‘Ave Maria’ and other hymns on the organ.

After an hour had gone by, they all went to the priest’s house for some honey cakes and tea. There, the Child Jesus explained to the children about the Catholic Faith and how He comes to people in Holy Communion. “But,” He told them, “first you have to take Catechism lessons from Fr. McDonald, and then you will be able to receive Me in Holy Communion.”

When the children went home, they had much to tell their parents. Later that evening, both parents and children went to see Fr. McDonald and listened to Phillip playing the organ. And wonder of wonders, when Phillip sat down at the organ, it was brand new! The priest said that after the children left, the Child Jesus took him too the choir loft, and touched the organ. It suddenly became a brand new organ, and not just a regular organ, but a pipe organ!

When the priest gave any sheet of music to Phillip, he played it like a professional. The parents and children stood in awe as they listened to the beautiful music. That Sunday they all went to Fr. McDonald’s church and they also brought Protestant friends with them to hear the glorious music that Phillip played.

In about six months the church was packed and the people were all begging to become Catholics. Fr. McDonald’s prayers were answered. His prayers and penances had worked—and his heart was very glad. And every Saturday, the old priest always had tea and honey cakes for the children, and taught them Catechism lessons. The Child Jesus didn’t come to visit the priest any more, but it wasn’t necessary. The children and the people were now receiving Jesus in Holy Communion!    

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