Eucharistic Crusade


A Christmas Gift

On Christmas day, people are used to give and to receive some beautiful gifts. Already, you are dreaming about what the Child Jesus will give you. But do not forget to give something back to Jesus, for He is always so generous with you.

Here is an example, found in the life of Blessed Francis of the Child Jesus, a saint who had a great devotion to the Infant Jesus.

Every year, on Christmas day, Francis used to organize a special dinner for the poor people of his home town of Alcala. Shortly before Christmas, he went to ask priests to announce from the pulpit that all poor people were invited for dinner at the hospital where he was working, providing that all of them had received communion on that day. To get the food for that dinner, Francis used to visit the rich people he knew in town, and they were generous to answer his call. That year, a thousand poor people showed up at the dinner! Francis welcomed them with great joy, and asked them to pray to the Child Jesus in thanksgiving before sitting at the table. He also made hampers for the poor people who were too shy to come to the feast.

Later on, Francis had so much success with his Christmas dinner that he didn’t have any more to go out begging for food: the rich kept bringing him everything that he needed.

Just before he died, on Christmas day, twelve poor men were brought to him and he was so happy to give them alms for the last time. Then while singing a beautiful canticle in honour of the Child Jesus, Francis rendered his beautiful soul to God.

Like Francis, remember to be charitable on Christmas day. In honour of Jesus’ coming, remember to offer something to the poor, and Jesus will be very pleased.

Father Dominique Boulet

  • All Saints Day, November 1st, I said Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
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