Eucharistic Crusade

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The Guardian of Crusaders
Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Canada

current year  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  208  2009  2010  2011

                                        December 2011  

Editorial: Longing for Christmas
Saints: St Rita of Cascia - Saint of the Impossible
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks The Christmas Donkey
Treasure Chart Results September 2011


12 page booklet
web view 878K
to print 878K

                                        November 2011  

Editorial: The Grace of a Good Death
Saints: St Joseph of Copertino - the Flying Saint
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks The Pains of Purgatory
Treasure Chart Results July & August 2011


12 page booklet

to print 385K

                                        October 2011  

Editorial: The Rosary
Saints: Our Lady of Laus
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks The Image of God
Treasure Chart Results June 2011


12 page booklet

to print 614K

                                        September 2011  

Editorial: Keep up!
Saints: St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks Do You Say Your Prayers?
Treasure Chart Results May 2011


12 page booklet

to print 353K

                                        July-August 2011  

Editorial: Looking Forward to Vacations
Saints: St. Anthony of Padua
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks When Things go Wrong
Treasure Chart Results March 2011
Handbook Excerpts How do I Become a Member of the Crusade?


16 page booklet

to print .46MB

                                        June 2011  

Editorial: Help Your Priests!
Saints: St. Patrick of Ireland
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks Pray, Hope and Don't Worry
Treasure Chart Results March 2011
Handbook Excerpts Use of Free Time


12 page booklet

to print .8MB

                                        May 2011  

Editorial: Show Thyself a Mother!
Saints: St. Margaret of Clitherow
Word Search
Renewal of the Consecration of the Children's Eucharistic Crusade
  to the Immaculate Hear of Mary - to be said on May 13th
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks Being Old-Fashioned
Treasure Chart Results February 2011


12 page booklet

to print .5MB

                                        April 2011  

Editorial: Hail, O Holy Cross!
Saints: St. Catherine of Sienna
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks Don't Take Chances
Treasure Chart Results January 2011


12 page booklet

to print 5.6MB

                                        March 2011  

Editorial: Ash Wednesday
Saints: St. Bernadette
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks Do You Really Love your Parents?
Treasure Chart Results December 2010


12 page booklet

to print 4.8MB

                                        February 2011  

Editorial: Your Morning Offering
Saints: Our Lady of Lourdes
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks Are You Ready for Heaven?
Treasure Chart Results November 2010


12 page booklet

to print 3.7MB

                                        January 2011  

Editorial: Some Gifts for the Child Jesus!
Saints: Blessed Assunta
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks The Baby in the Forest
Treasure Chart Results October 2010


12 page booklet

to print 4.1MB

reminder to parents




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