Eucharistic Crusade

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The Guardian of Crusaders
Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Canada
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                                        December 2010  

Editorial: O Come Divine Messiah!
Saints: The Infant Jesus of Prague
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks Fr Cyril and the Infant Jesus of Prague
Treasure Chart Results September 2010


12 page booklet

to print 3.2MB

                                        November 2010  

Editorial: The Holy Souls in Purgatory
Saints: Purgatory and the Suffering Souls
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks St. Peter Damian & the Souls in Purgatory
Treasure Chart Results August 2010


12 page booklet

to print .7MB

                                        October 2010  

Editorial: Canonisation of Brother andré
Saints: St. Brother André of Montreal
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks How Much do you Love Our Lady?
Treasure Chart Results July 2010


12 page booklet
to read 2.2MB
to print 3.4MB

                                        September 2010  

Editorial: Anniversary of the decree fo Pope St. Pius X
Saints: St. Pius X - Pope of the Eucharist
Word Search
Intention for the Month
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks The Rosebush
Treasure Chart Results May and June 2010


12 page booklet

to print 3.4MB

                                        July/August 2010  

Editorial: Summer Vacation: What Should I do?
Saints St. John Baptis de la Salle
  Word Search
Intention for the Month
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks Colours and Things
Treasure Chart Results April 2010


12 page booklet
to read 1.9MB
to print .6MB

                                        June 2010  

Editorial: Grant us Holy Priests!
Saints St. Maria Goretti—Martyr Of Purity
  Word Search
Intention for the Month
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks When I Grow Up I Will...
Treasure Chart Results March 2010


12 page booklet

to print 1.5MB

                                        May 2010  

Editorial: The ImmaculaTe hear of Mary
Saints The Miraculous Medal and Ratisbone
  Word Search
Intention for the Month
Renewal of the Consecration of the Children's
   Eucharistic Crusade to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks The Painting
Treasure Chart Results February 2010


12 page booklet

to print 1MB

                                        April 2010  

Editorial: A Letter of Jesus to the Crusaders
Saints St. Paul the Apostle Pt. II
  Word Search
Intention for the Month
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks Are you Meek?
Treasure Chart Results January 2010


12 page booklet

to print 1.7MB

                                        March 2010  

Editorial: Forgive our Trespasses!
Saints St. Paul the Apostle Pt. I
  Word Search
Intention for the Month
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks The Hair
Treasure Chart Results December 2009


12 page booklet
to read 1.2MB
to print 800k

                                        February 2010  

Editorial: My son, you have to become a saint!
Images of Our Lady St. Ignatius and Our Lady of the Wayside
  Word Search
Intention for the Month
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks Leave the answere to God
Treasure Chart Results November 2009


12 page booklet

to print 2MB

                                        January 2010  

Registration Form - submit by February 8, 2010

Editorial: Someone is Knocking at the Door
Images of Our Lady Our Lady of Good Councel
  Word Search
Intention for the Month
Handbook Excerpts
Treasure Sheet
Little Talks to Little Folks The Prisoner
Treasure Chart Results October 2009


12 page booklet
to read 2MB
to print 2MB



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