Eucharistic Crusade


Jesus, Master of Souls

Dear crusaders,

Among the beautiful feasts of this month of June, let me talk about the Sacred Heart, which we will celebrate this year on June 15. Is that feast of the Sacred Heart only just one among many others? Not at all!

On that day, we will honour the infinite love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the loving master of our souls. Unlike ordinary masters, Jesus is the PERFECT master of souls. Let me explain:

When He was teaching, He did so with great authority: even the wind and the sea obeyed Him. He had a great knowledge: when He was only 12 years old, the doctors of the Law were amazed at the wisdom of His answers. He could teach all kind of people: he was so good to tell stories that both captivated both the young and the old. He was always just and fair to everybody, and showed great patience and charity with sinners.

Every member of the Eucharistic Crusade should keep in mind that Jesus is the perfect example to follow. Pay attention to the words of Our Divine master, who speaks to your soul when you pray to Him.

May all the members of the Eucharistic Crusade be inflamed with the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; always burning for the glory of His Father, and the salvation of souls?

Also, please remember to pray for the young men who will be ordained priests at the end of the month, in three of three seminaries of the Society of St. Pius X: Ecône, Winona and Zaitzkofen.

Father Dominique Boulet


  • On June 3, I'll say Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
St. Pius X Priory,
905 Rang. St. Matthieu
Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 6T5
Fax: (819) 537-6562

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