Eucharistic Crusade


The Power of the Rosary

Dear crusaders,

The month of October is the month of the Rosary. You may wonder why?  It is because of the feast of the Holy Rosary that happens to be on October 7, to commemorate the great victory of Lepanto of the Christian armies against the Turks. Because the Christian army was much smaller, the victory of Lepanto was a true miracle obtained by the intercession of Our Lady.

Made aware of the great danger threatening Christendom, Pope St. Pius V ordered that all Catholics from all over the world pray the Rosary for the success of the Christian armies.  On October 7, 1570, as the holy pope was saying the Rosary, he had a vision in which he saw the victory of Lepanto.

Besides this famous historical event, let me give you a more simple, but beautiful example of the power of the Rosary for the conversion of Moslems.  Back in 1870, it happened to be that a Moslem from North Africa was enrolled in the French army.  This Moslem was taken as prisoner of war by the German.  As he got sick, he was taken to a military hospital.  One day, the chaplain of that hospital came to visit the sick people, and to give them blessed Rosaries.  Like his fellow soldiers, the Moslem took the blessed Rosary, and put it around his neck.  Another time, when the priest came to give the Sacrament of Extreme-Unction to a sick soldier, the Moslem asked him if he could go to confession.  The priest told him that he couldn’t hear his confession because he was not baptized.  The Moslem answered: “If this is the case, I want to be baptized”.  Because the man was seriously ill, the priest had to hurry up to teach him Catechism.  Finally, he was baptized, and died only five minutes after baptism.  You see: it was because of the Rosary around his neck that he converted to the true Faith!


Father Dominique Boulet

  • On September 9, I said Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
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