Eucharistic Crusade
Little Talks to Little People


According to an ancient legend, in the midst of the burning deserts of Africa, there is a piece of land called Tacape. It is somewhat like the Garden of Eden; a peaceful paradise on earth. It is partly hilly and partly flat. Mighty palm trees grow on the hills; and in their shadows grow olive trees. Amongst the olives grow vines, which gradually stretch down into the plains and widen into a beautiful vineyard. Just imagine how tasty and sweet the fresh grapes, right off the vine, would be! Many other trees stand in the vineyard, and they bear the best and most delicious fruits such as; peaches, pears, apples, oranges, plums, cherries, bananas, dates, and figs and other wonderful fruits. 

The writer, who tells us about this legend, says that everything grows so well because of two reasons: First, a great underground stream keeps the roots of the plants and trees always moist and fresh, and gives them continuous nourishment. Secondly the trees and plants help each other; they give shadow to one another and protect one another from the hot, burning rays of the sun. The palms shade and protect the olive trees, the olive trees shade and protect the vines; and the vines protect the other smaller plants.

But where can each of us find a peaceful paradise on earth? Where can we find a beautiful garden such as the one described above; which never fades away and is always bearing fresh fruit and flowers? There is only one answer to this question! Oh, you can look in B.C., Hawaii, and other parts of the world, and find nice gardens with lots of fresh fruit and flowers, but they don't last and much work must be done to keep them growing.

The real answer is the Blessed Sacrament. This is our peaceful Paradise on earth. This is where you can come and be refreshed by Jesus, for He says, "Come to me, all you that labour and are burdened and I will refresh you." And Jesus wants us all to feed our souls with His Body and Blood at Mass. So nourish your soul with the Body and Blood of Jesus, in Holy Communion; then you will be like the trees in Tacape.  With the graces you receive from Jesus and Mary, you will become like a palm tree and be able to help others, just like these trees helped the other plants.

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