Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People

The Power of the Rosary

The Apostle’s Creed, which is said on the Rosary crucifix, is a summary of all Christian truths. It is a very powerful prayer because Faith is the root and beginning of all Christian virtues. Whenever you pray to God, you must first of all believe. The greater your faith is the more merit will your prayer have, the more powerful it will be, and the more it will glorify God.

The first few words of the Creed: “I believe in God”, are very powerful words that can help you to become a saint and that help to send the devils back to hell. Why? ...Because by these words we make an act of Faith, Hope, and Charity. It was by saying, “I believe in God”, that the saints overcame temptations, especially temptations against Faith, Hope or Charity.

Now, as you might know, in the Latin Mass, the word “CREDO” means, “I believe”. St. Peter of Verona was a martyr who firmly believed in God. A man, who hated St. Peter, split his head with a sword. As St. Peter was dying, he dipped his finger in his own blood and on the ground wrote the word “CREDO”. This was St. Peter’s last act of Faith in God; very simple; but very powerful.

When you say the Holy Rosary, you should think about the mysteries of Jesus and Mary. Since Faith is the only key which opens up these mysteries, you must begin the Rosary by saying the Apostle’s Creed, very devoutly. The stronger your faith is, the more merit your Rosary will have.

When you say the Rosary, you must have a lively faith, and you must be in the state of grace, or at least you must want to be in the state of grace, if in fact, you have fallen into mortal sin.

When saying your Rosary, the Faith you have must be strong and constant. You must not look for spiritual consolations when you say your Rosary. And you must not desire to feel great, when you say your Rosary.

Sometimes you will have a harder time, trying to picture in your mind, the beautiful lives of Jesus and Mary. But this does not matter! On these days it is necessary to try to think only of a few things. For instance; when you say the mystery of the Annunciation, think that Mary was very humble and accepted God’s Holy Will.

And remember: never give up saying your Rosary because you have distractions or temptations. Sometimes God allows these things in order to test you; to see if you really love Him. Be faithful to saying your Rosary on these days too, and sooner or later, the day will come when it will again be easier to say your Rosary. Have Faith, and God will help you. And always ask Jesus, Mary and Joseph to help you say your Rosary and to be good.

The Book

On the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1825, St. Philip Benitius preached a wonderful sermon to some people. Shortly after he left the pulpit, he suddenly caught a fever. His fever grew hotter and hotter and it used up all the strength of his body.

Finally he went into a coma and was unable to move. After three hours he came out of the coma and looking up to Heaven he said to those around him: “My brothers, I had to fight a terrible battle with the Devil. He showed me all my sins and threatened to take me to Hell because of them! But Jesus, my crucified Saviour, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, have chased the Devil away. And they have already shown me Heaven: the land of peace and heavenly joys.

Then he looked at his Crucifix which was hanging on the wall, and whispered: “Give me my book!” At first the brothers did not understand him and gave him a book. But he whispered again: “My book!” The look in his eyes showed them that he meant the Crucifix.

They gave St. Philip the Crucifix which the dying man kissed lovingly, saying: “This is my book, my favourite book. Into this book I have often looked, begging Jesus to help me think of holy thoughts and to help me when I was suffering. From it I will make my last will; with it I will end my life!” Again he looked at the Crucifix and died while saying the words: “Into Thy hands, I commend my spirit. Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth.”

Another saint, a Franciscan known as St. Bonaventure, says, “The cross is a book from which the Christian should read every day; for in this book is contained the greatest wisdom. From it we can learn the most noble virtues. The cross shows the surest way to Heaven.”

One day St. Thomas Aquinas went to visit St. Bonaventure. St. Thomas was amazed at the wonderful learning and knowledge of St. Bonaventure and asked him: “From what book have you learned your Theology?” St. Bonaventure looked at the Crucifix saying: “This if the fountain from where I get all my knowledge and from which I teach Christ Crucified!”

So dear children, always love the Crucifix. Kiss your Crucifix often and tell Jesus that you love him and that you are sorry for your sins. Jesus will bless you and give you special help when you do this.

On the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1825, St. Philip Benitius preached a wonderful sermon to some people. Shortly after he left the pulpit, he suddenly caught a fever. His fever grew hotter and hotter and it used up all the strength of his body.

Finally he went into a coma and was unable to move. After three hours he came out of the coma and looking up to Heaven he said to those around him: “My brothers, I had to fight a terrible battle with the Devil. He showed me all my sins and threatened to take me to Hell because of them! But Jesus, my crucified Saviour, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, have chased the Devil away. And they have already shown me Heaven: the land of peace and heavenly joys.

Then he looked at his Crucifix which was hanging on the wall, and whispered: “Give me my book!” At first the brothers did not understand him and gave him a book. But he whispered again: “My book!” The look in his eyes showed them that he meant the Crucifix.

They gave St. Philip the Crucifix which the dying man kissed lovingly, saying: “This is my book, my favourite book. Into this book I have often looked, begging Jesus to help me think of holy thoughts and to help me when I was suffering. From it I will make my last will; with it I will end my life!” Again he looked at the Crucifix and died while saying the words: “Into Thy hands, I commend my spirit. Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth.”

Another saint, a Franciscan known as St. Bonaventure, says, “The cross is a book from which the Christian should read every day; for in this book is contained the greatest wisdom. From it we can learn the most noble virtues. The cross shows the surest way to Heaven.”

One day St. Thomas Aquinas went to visit St. Bonaventure. St. Thomas was amazed at the wonderful learning and knowledge of St. Bonaventure and asked him: “From what book have you learned your Theology?” St. Bonaventure looked at the Crucifix saying: “This if the fountain from where I get all my knowledge and from which I teach Christ Crucified!”

So dear children, always love the Crucifix. Kiss your Crucifix often and tell Jesus that you love him and that you are sorry for your sins. Jesus will bless you and give you special help when you do this. Home | Contents

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